- Prioritize simpler archetypes: Focus on basic archetypes like attack, health, and defense for a strong foundation.
- Experiment with heroes: Try new heroes to discover surprising synergies and strategies in the game.
- Mitigate damage: Shield and dodge archetypes are key to winning by minimizing damage taken and maximizing offense.
Continuing a long legacy of in-depth auto-battler games, Skill Legends Royale is a new and incredibly addictive online title that is currently free to play. The game has a simple premise but, like most titles with deceptively simple premises, it's easy to lose hours getting embroiled in the intricacies of this title. Many novel factors come together to make this game one of the best of its kind out on the shelves today.
The 5 Best MOBAs Of All Time
MOBAs have been popular for a while, and the following MOBA games are considered the best of all time in the genre.
While players new to MOBAS might be intimidated by the format, there's a great level of ease to this game, mostly due to the randomness of the battles that make sure no one can have a guaranteed victory in any match. For those looking to get a good start, here are some tips to keep in mind.
1 Freeze Is Powerful
A Surefire Way To Deal High Damage

From Pokemon to Diablo 4, freeze is often a status effect that can change the tide of a battle, and in Skill Legends, this is no different. Among the many archetypes players can learn is Freeze, which greatly slows enemies down and stifles reactivity.
Players who are lucky enough to draft a Freeze archetype should focus on it somewhat, if not as their major archetype, then at least with a small amount of specializing in it to ensure opponents aren't at their best.
2 Experiment With Heroes
Heroes Cycle Constantly, Don't Get Hung Up On Just One

Heroes in this game have skills that make it important to try and synergize them with particular archetypes, but unlike other hero-centric mediums like hero shooters, the choice of character here doesn't bear nearly as much weight.
Rather than attempting to always stick with the same handful of heroes, try to experiment and pick heroes who seem completely new, or even heroes that seem outright bad. They might just surprise players in unexpected ways.
3 Prioritize Simpler Archetypes
In The Early Game Fundamentals Are Key

There are a host of complex archetypes in this game which can be difficult to master. The draft-based format of every match means players won't always be guaranteed to get certain archetypes, but focusing on the more straightforward ones at first is a good way to go.
The basic archetypes like attack, health, sprite for more magic-oriented players, or defense are all foundational, representing more what players would see as traditional stats in a game, and seeing how these archetypes impact heroes is a great way to learn the ropes.
4 Experiment With Archetypes
Once The Basics Have Been Learned, Don't Stick With Them

Some of the best archetypes in this game impact heroes and enemies in ways that might seem obscure to the player at first. It's important in these instances to give some archetypes a try and see how they turn out.
Again, it's best to remember that this game doesn't really afford penalties for losing, and this is a game of chance as much as it is skill for a very long portion of playtime. Taking a chance on an unfamiliar archetype is the best way to learn the game.
5 Mitigate Damage
The Best Offense Is A Good Defense

The thing about auto-battlers is that every second players are dishing out damage without taking it is a second where they're winning. Mitigating damage can usually be done through the shield or dodge archetypes.
17 Best Auto Battler Games, Ranked
Fans who can't get enough of the auto battler genre can't go wrong with the following games.
It's no surprise then that dodge especially is considered one of the best archetypes in the game. A foe's best-laid plans can be ruined if they can't get a hit, and players can account for low damage by making sure they're hit less.
6 Crits Are Key
Critical Hit Chance Beats High Attack

If players have to choose between specializing almost entirely in attack damage or dividing attention between attack and critical hits, the second path is always the way to go. There are a few reasons for this.
Archetype skills that modify critical damage or increase critical hit damage will produce much, much higher damage with the occasional critical hit than a simple flat damage buff ever could, and usually, one critical hit skill is worth more than a single attack buff skill.
7 Keep Focusing On The Branches
Stick To Three Archetypes At Most

If this game is taking the Elden Ring philosophy of critical hits being tantamount to success, is that the only thing the player should focus on? Well, there are other skills worth pursuing as well in this title, and as mentioned above, experimentation is key.
6 MOBAS That Are Perfect For Newcomers To The Genre
There are several multiplayer online battle arena games, or MOBAs, that cater towards newcomers, like these great examples
Learning skills from an archetype goes toward increasing its rank, denoted by a star rating. Higher star ratings afford rare or even epic skills and give the player a chance to pick the same skills several times over to increase effectiveness. Focusing on one archetype alone closes out options, but two or three are still manageable.
8 Attack Speed Is Vital
Keeping Up The Pressure On Foes Is Key

The best skills in this game are the ones that mitigate damage or enhance attack speed. Every second in this auto-battler counts, and so if players are striking more times than the enemy, they're off to a good start.
Hitting more times is more important than hitting harder because it increases the odds of a critical hit or a debuff proccing and also gives more chances for special effects that, for example, occur every five attacks, from appearing.

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Skill Legends Royale
Auto Battler
- Platform(s)
- PC
- Released
- November 5, 2024
- Developer(s)
- ZGGame