OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. On WEDNESDAY MORNING, 19th July, 18T1. at 10 o'clock, will be sold to the highest bidder, the eu-tire KITCHEN, PARLOR and BEDROOM FUKNITUKE In the house No. 160 JUosber street, corner Of Fremont. Immediately after which will be sold the entire FURNITURE in house No.
1S6 Walsh street. By order of JAS. HOOPEK and JOHN INGLIS, Assignees, Terms cash. i KEX. GKOTJAK 113-eolt! Auctioneers.
West Baltimore street, near Charles, viz: Walnut Parlor and Bedroom Furniture. Offics Desks, Lounges. Cottage Suits, Chairs, Tables. Ma-tresses, Sideboards, Wardrobes. Crockery and Glassware, with many other Goods, the effects of parties declining housekeeping.
BROOKE LEWIS, Auctioneers. 113-Stg 886 West Baltimore near Charles. BT Witt. HAM1LTOS CO. JS! ORPHANS' COURT SALE Ell OT TWO SMALL DWELLINGS ON THE COKNKB OF WINDSOlt AND ESSEX STREETS, Between Canton Avenue and Aliceanna street.
On the premises, on THURSDAY AFTERNOON. 5 o'clock, we shall 6ell two two-story and attic BRICK DWELLINGS. Lot 24 feet front by 40 feet deep. Ground-rent $10 on each house. Terms One-third cash, balance in and months; or all cash.
peremptory. JAMES DONAHUE, Executor. WM. HAMILTON JlO-ts; Nos. 64 and 68 South Charles Bt.
BALTIMORE. THURSDAY. JtXY 13, 1871. DAitT ALiuato-irmyisBiT. 1 SO A.
M. Thermometer 82: Bar. 29.70; wind K. E. 84: Bar.
29.95; wind N. K. f.U) P. M. Thermometer 87; Bar.
29.95: wind N. E. Bun ma. ...4 bun aeia. a) I Moon rises.
110 Cbixi in Great Cities London and Kew In a letter to the New York Tribune, ately printed, some interesting criminal statistics re collated in an instructive way. Tbe correspondent says: "I have before me the police reports of London and New York for the years 1809 and 1870. Tbe population of London is 3.330.000; New York, 946,000. The arrests for Wime were in those years. London.
1869, 1370. New York. 1669. 72.934; 1S70. 75,693.
Eacb. report states the causes of the arrest. IThe London reports give in detail what becomes of tbe arrested, the numbers of convictions and acquittals; the Sew York report does not. The nationalities of those committing crime were, in IStiO. as follows: Americans 2G.142 popnlation 475.345 Irish 34.2-26 population German 7.093 population 154,000 Total 67,405 831,346 Leaving 5,419 of other nationalities wbo commit crime.
The figures of tbe popnlation of iS York city are taken from the Journal of Commerce. HELP WASTED. 'A GOOD SK.COM) GIRL. German preferred. 13 HOLLINS STKEET.
near Fremont, lt't ANTED A Girl forGENEKAL HOUSEWORK. 183 NORTH GAY ST. It AY ANTED A COUK. WASH and IKON lor two In family, inbumiiissi. J13-21'S AV fASTEIi-A White Girl, for UKSE, at 69 AIS- (JUI1H STREET.
Iyl3-2ft AV ANTED A Woman lo lo GENERAL HOUSE WORK. 93 KAST MADISON SI'. lt't -I ANTED A Girl, to do the WORK of a small IT family. Apply at 114 Hughes street. PATRICK.
CORBITT. TTANTEJ A White Girl, to do GENEliAL, HOLSKWOKK. Apply, in the afternoon, at No. Tl fEAKL ST. jI3-2f.
ANTED A Wliite to WASH Yv ana IKON. Apply, with, references, at iils HAU1SON AVENUE. It ANTED A COOK and CHAMHEKMAID, to so together, also WAITRESS, NUltSE. WAlTE't EOY and COACHMAN. 1 N.
LIBERTY ST. It. HELP competent HOUSEKEEPER, also a Man Servant as WAITER. Apply at the Sun otlice. It" IIMNTK1)-A smart Girl, to WASH and IKON it nnd do GENERAL UUOSEWOliK.
Apply at IRY1N PLACE, three doors from Baltimore". 7 ANTED A Colored WOMAN, to do GKSSHAL HOUSEWORK. Apply at the southwest corner Of NORTH and FA YET IE STREETS. If! ANTKI-A First-Class COOK. WASHER and 1RONKK for a small family.
Good wanes piven to one competent. Apply at 88S EAST t-KAff ST. vv jlS-Sf, 'WANTED A Woman, lo COOK in a Orst class Reft mrnnt; also a WAITEIC Apply at No. 43 CKSTKK maKJaEI' SPACE, east side, near Loin-Lai street, lt'j ANTED Cooks. Chambermaid.
Nurses and I C.iris for General Housework. Also, Farm and Garden Hands Dairymen. Good wages for all. Employiuent Otlice, 8 N. Frederick st.
il3-3t trANTFi A settled Woman, to TAKE CAKE OF CHILDREN and to do PLAIN SEWING. Ampi-h-an prtierred. Apply Rt the corner of BALTIMORE AND It ANTED A Yoon? White Woman, to ATTEND TO HOUSEWORK, and Assist with Washing aud Ironing a small family, three miles on Ca-tonsville rriaa. Apply, between 9 and 11 o'clock, at 6 MOUNT VEilSON PLACE. ltt i "VT A N'TED-At the Bull's Head Hotel, a Colored Woman who understands COOK.ING IN GENERAL; must be well recommended: liberal wajes.
Anpiy at RILL'S HEAD. Front street. STKPHF.V OILL. Jyi3-2ti "lli ANTED A White GfKL, to assist in COOK-" ING. Appiy at NOLAN'S FOUNTAIN HOUSE.
fc.ii.ut..,!, sii ci. J. I I L-it. YT AN IK A White oman, to COOK. WASH VI and IKON for a small lamilT: reference ream r- ed.
lmmedlatelT. one tliit is willin to go to the No. a jNOKIH FKEMONT ST. 58 1TANTED A Colored Woman, to COOK and mnke herelf in tbe house: good wages. Apply at one- at LINDEN AVENUE, sec- vuti uuur lrum L.ana:e Jii-ot 7ATED Two Women, to go a abort distance in II the countrv.
one tn COOK, WASH and I find the other to 145 and atsist. Mother and claugliter or two sisters preferred. Famiiv small. wVnpiy at No. 3 SPEAK WUAKF, foot of g'-rect.
rVr ANTED An experienced NUKSE, tor a sick Lady. Apply, between the hours of 10 and 12 jo'clock. at 83 C.VlUKP-tAL ST. jyll-3t 7t ANTED A good Girl, as CHAMUERMA1D and forGenerii Apnlv ac Saw LEX-: I.NGTON between Pine and Fremont. Jyfl-Sfj H' ANTED A COOK, to go to the conn-VV try.
a Good wages Riven. 113 WEST FAYETTE STUEET. jll-3f one to COOK. WASH and IKON, and the other to NUliSii Clif', tKEX. Apply at 12S E.
BALTI.MOKE ST. Jll-3ti AXTED A settled Colored Woman, as -COOK. WASHF.K and lUOli. Apply at No. I2v COLION STKEET.
jyil-3f ANTED IMMEDIATELY A White WET- NUKSE. with a I'reah breast of milk. Appiy to DK. CUA3. MACUILL.
CatOEvii'e. Jj-n-st't rjaltimore county. SITUATIOS ASTED. A YOLNO MAN. writing a good hand and qnick tx at rlgnres.
being at Icinre In the evening, oiers liis services a MOOKKEEPEK and ACCOUNTANT. Address ACCOUNTANT. Gazette oflice. A N'T ED By a Graduate of the University cf I Virginia, a SITUATION: has had several vears' iriperieiice Teaching in the South. Address Miallebuiij, Londoan connty.
Va. J10-6t! 'SVANTKl-By a good SEAM3TKESS. WOKS by 1 the weclt or can make I.artiea' Dresses, kinds of Family no ohiection to a short distance in the country. Add; ess M. Bun 7ANTF.D A situation as GAKDENEK.
by a jrrucle Man, (Oernian. Only a good situation Pled. Apply to JOHN COOK, Frick's place, old road jyl3-St rW TWO HOUSES FOR KENT fciil Two doors east of on JOHN ST. Kent low. J13-Sf A DESIKABLK HOUSE on Bond, near Pratt MSstreet; Kent low.
Apply at No. 04 SOUTH BROAD WAY. JlS-3fa M' FOK KENT-STORE and DWELLING- No 119 Conway suitable for a Boarding House. ly at 195 WEST PKATT ST. jl3-8t'j MFOK KENT Several HOUSES in fine order, one suitable for a Grocery.
Apply at 31a tTH CAROLINE STREST. jyl3-3t fW FOK RENT DWELLING HOUSE on Monu-Mlsment street, near Greenmount avenue; gas and waier. Apply at 160 FORREST STREET. lfi STORK AND DWELLING FOK KENT, No. NORTH GAY STKEET, nearly opposite Odd-FeiioWB' Hall.
Immediate possession. J13 6tJ tl! FOK KENT HOUSE No. 15 North Gay iliten Rooms, suitable for Dwelling or other purposes. Kent 135 per month. Inquire of HENKY O'COSNELL.
a North Gay st. J13-eo4t. i FOK REST HOUSE 157 Barre street, with Milhall, water, gas, bath, deep lot. Kent $30. In-Quireof C.
J. EMEUY, Composing Room, American offlce. Jy 18-3f fJS FOR KENT HOUSE No. 61 North Strieker fSilstreet, tbreestory front and two-story back, with hall. Apply on the CORNER OF 8TKICKER AND SARATOGA or to W.
L. COVER. 560 West Baltimore Bt. J13-2t. FOR KEN The convenient DWELLIN GHo.
SJm 333 West Lombard 7 iooms, gaa and water, l4- per month. Apply to A. FIELD, It" 809 West Lombard st. fffli FOK KENT STOKE No. 84 WEST BALTI-la MOKE STKEET.
under the Metropolitan Hall; well adapted for Auction or any other kind of business; possession at once. For further particulars appiy at the Sun ollice. tira 'pk FOR KENT VERY LOW DWELLING, with Elamodern conveniences, on Maryland avenue, (Docker Btreet extended,) 9 or 10 rooms, ifcc, stoves, range, chandeliers, gas fixtures, WILSON FULLEN, Jyl3-2t'8 75 West Fayette at- second floor. FOK KENT HOUSE 46 Bolton Btreet, four-Millstory Back Buildings, range, bath, vestibule door, balcony, in clean order, ready to move into; rent 700 per annum. Will lease for five years or less.
Key at Mr. Vox's, southwest corner above. Address W. REMINGTON. Baltimore Postoaice.
J13-3t" fifiH FOR KENT EiM DWELLING No. 271 Eutaw street, Hamilton DWELLING No. 108 West Biddle street. STORE and DWELLING No. 40 West Baltimore And other DWELLINGS In different 6ections of the city, at reasonable rents.
GEORGE W. TINGES. 13-3trS 3 St. Paul street. MKOR KENT The BASEMENT ot tbe Building known as tbe Old Sun Building, on the southeast comer of BALTIMOKE and GAY Is suitable for varions purposes, having a fine large VAULT under both streets.
Also, the STORE on GAY. STREET, adjoining the corner of Baltimore street. Also, the SECOND and TliiKD STORIES of the same Building. THE BASEMENT, STORE, and UPPER STORIES Will be rented SEPARATELY or TOGETHER. Inquire at duo omce.
jyia-tir, fiMit FOR KENT A COUNTRY STORE ntar iliiiPikesville. A iirBt-rate stand. Apply to jyii-3tT A. KIDDELL. Hkesville P.
O. FOK KENT-HOUSE No. 402 MULBERRY passage, gas. water in the kitchen, fine cellar cheap to a responsible tenant. J12-3t: STORE AND ROOMS FOR KENT Mil No.
644 SOUTH HOWARD corner of Liover. jy v-izf FOK KENT The three-storv WAREHOUSE No. 7 CAM- 'SB ST. Apply on the premises. 23-lm MFOR SALE The GOOD WILL, STOCK.
FIXTURES and LEASE of RESTAURANT 03 SOUTH CHAKLES STREET. Jyll-Stt fS FOK T1ENT Two small STORES corner Bal-iafiiltimore and Eden streets, or would make one large Store of it to a suitable tenant. Appiy to Mo-CAHAN on the premises. jyl2-2ti FOR KENT From 1st or July. DWELLING 43.No.
27 North Liberty Btreet. near Fayette. Apply nt No. 30 NORTH HOWARD STKEET, near Fayette. jel8-lm fSS) FOR KENT Desirable DWELLING, No.
79 MiiilNorth Paca Btreet, between Saratoga and Mulberry, all modern conveniences. Apply at No. 3SS WEST BALTIMORE STREET. jyll-Sf- fm FOR KENT A three-storv DWELLING, with Joiii three-story Double Back Building. No.
604 Saratoga street. Kent moderate. Key at No. 29 North Gilmor Bt. E.
LEO SPALDING. 40 Light st.j25-14t rjj A WORKSHOP FOR KENT With or without POWER, at 'jyS-12t No. S3 NORTH FRONT STREET. FOK RENT That eligibly located STORE and DWELLING coi ner of Eutaw and Biddle suitable for a Tailoring, Shoe or Apothecary Store. Apply at 318 WEST LEXINGTON ST.
j29-lm- FOR RENT STORE No. 258K West Pratt st. MilFIXl URES and CANDY TOOLS for sale, if desired. Inquire of W. 11.
DARE, 25S WeBt Pratt street. jll-eo5t' fffll FOR KENT The DWELLING PORTION OF Jt-iiilSo. 81 NORTH EUTAW STREET, suitable for a Dwelling or Manufacturing business. Apply UP STAIRS. U-eo2ti fJKi FOR KENT HOUSE with six rooms, corner tSilof road and Camp street.
Apply to S. S. L1NTHICUM, J3-eo6tr corner of Green and Pratt streets. fim FOR RENT The STORE AND ROOMS on liiilthe corner of Saratoga and Amity streets. No.
4te. A desirable place for any kind of business. Key at 454. Inquire at lOO PINE ST. 'jy8 eo3t NATIONAL UNION BANK OF MARYLAND, BALTIMOKE, July 11, 1871.
oFFTCES FOK KENT over the Banking House. Also SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES. AnplJ to jyil-im? K. MiCKLE, Cashier. fj FOK KENT Two fine HOUSES, with all con-fciliivenienccs-.
one on Walsh Btreet. $35, the other on Oxford street. SIS. Also for sale cheap. Apply at LAFAYETTE INSTITUTE, Fremont and Chats-wortb strett-i.
jyll-3it S(fSI FOK RENT A very desirable DAIRY FARM within the city limits: Stone Stabling for fifty cows, and good DWELLING on the place. Apply to N. A. HUFFMAN. J23-lfif! 307 West Baltimore street.
FOI! KENT The STORE and DWELLING liiil No. 72 Lexington street. The location is a very oesii aoie one ior me neiaii ancy ory oootis. Notion or Millinery Business. Apply at No.
Ill EAS1 BALTIMORE j8-0t. EAST fSSJ FOR RENT Three-story DWELLING, on -''ii East Biddle street, near Caroline, ten rooms and bain, rent moderate. AddIv to GEO. C. SMITH, at Canfleld Bro.
corner Baltimore and Charles streets J10-it, fiS! FOR KENT A very desirable HOUSE, newly K-'il painted, papered and otherwise nut in complete order, located 29 Hoilins street, nearly opposite the beautiful residence of Thomas Winans, Esq. Apply to WM. T. DIXON No. 308 West Baltimore street.
FOR KENT A DWELLING on Hoilins street, feiiinorth of Gilmor, near Union Square, with modern conveniences: rent $450 per annum. Also Dwelling on North Strieker street, nine rooms, in good condition: rgiit per annum. Apply to F. M. SNOWDEN.
33 West Fayette St. pS FOR KENT MZl Two good three-story, well-built BRICK lloUSES, on Oliver street, near Charles-street aye-nue, containing all the modern improvements. Rent reasonable. Apply to HENRY McSHANE 117 North street. je22-lmH 0 FOK KENT IN ANNAPOLIS For the months, or longer, a most desirable large single HOUSE, completely furnished, very pleasantly situated, and commanding a fine water view.
Address RANDALL MAGRUDEli, Annapolis, Md. lmr i "SSi FOR RENT The two prominent five-story iiill STORES on the southwest corner of Baltimore aiTd Eutaw streets, suitable for any kind of business; particularly adapted ior a shoe house and factory not a more prominent place in the city for that business: Also two nice DWELLINGS, Nos. 41 and 45 Pearl street. Inquire at No. 305Wc9t Baltimore st.
jll-lt. ADAM KAHLEU. LOST AND FOUND. 1 OST-On the 12th instant, BOND No. 2,517 of the -1J Pittsburg and Conuellsville Railroad.
Payment, stopped. A suitable reward paid by applying to FITZGERALD MQALB, S3 South st. jia-iifS LOST On Tuesday, on the Steamer Pentz or Lieht Btreet. a GOLD STUD, with Garnet and Pearl Set. A suitable reward will be given it returned to GEARY WEALE.
'It 169 West Baltimore street. LOST On Wednesday. 12th instant, on South or Baltimore street, a SUM OF MONEY in Five and One Dollar Notes and Fractional Currency. The finder wiil be suitably rewarded by leaving the same at 31 CALVERT ST. lt0 LOST On the street, or iu the City Passenger cars, on Tuesday, 11th instant, TWO BANK BOOKS one of them was the National Union Bank of Maryland in account with David Gordon; the other was the National Bank of Baltimore in account with David Gordon, trustee.
Both were concealed in a large brown envelope. The finder will please return to DAVID GORDON, at the St. Clair Hotel, mont Square. Baltimore. lt'j 85.
S3 AND 81 NOTES in half dollar 1 Prize Boxes, at 111 GAY STREET, near Exeter. A new lot just received with the nest Prizes in the city. ltx OST On Sunday morning, on Lanvale street, be-tween Bolton st. and Madison avenue, or in the Madison-St. Cars, a Silver SLEEVE BUTTON, white set.
A reward will be given if lolt at the HAKFOKD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY'S OFFICE. No. 31 South street. jll-3t 825 REWARD. Strayed away on the 8th Cfc.inslant.
one SORREL MARE, supposed to be en the Washington road. She has a white streak on forehead, two white hind feet, mark under left eye from a wart taken off; six years old. Any person returning the same to D. BRIDE, 103 North Paca st will receive said reward. jl8-2tj (Tsra CAME TO EASTERN AVENUE, corner of Philadelphia railroad, on July 9th, one COW.
which the owner can have by proving property and paying charges. BEKNHART NOHA. jU-3t'0 STRAYED AWAY'. July 9th. a SOKKEL HORSE and a GRAY MAKE with black mane.
A liberal reward will be given for information of their whereabouts, byj. D. Konstadt, York road, opposite atu Section Post jvll St J. D. KONSTADT.
LUGAL 'HIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE. That the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore city letters testamentary on the estate of KICUAKD McCONN, late ol said city, deceased. Ail persons having claims against said deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 13th day of January next: they may otherwise, by law, be excluded from all benefit of said estate. All per-sous indebted to Bald estate are requested to make Immediate payment. Given under my hand this 11th day of Jniy.
1871. WM. GEO. HEAD, Jl'j-Iawlf Executor. rpniS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the subscriber has been appointed Trustee to distribute the property of AUGUSTUS JOHNSON and WILLIAM BEHR, received by EUGENE CUMMISKEY, deceased, among the creditors of said Johnson and Behr.
nuder the order of the Superior Court of Baltimore city sitting in equity. All persons having claims against said Johnson and Behr are therelere warned to file them with the clerk of the said court on or before the 10th day of September, 1871. Given under my hand and by order of the conrt. Jyl2-law4f JOHN SCOTT. Trustee.
rpHIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the subscriber A. haaobtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore city letters of administration on the estate or SOLOMON J. ULMAN. late of said city, de-' ceased. All persons having claims against said deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the Stith of December, 1871; they mav otherwise, by law, be excluded from all benefit of said estate.
All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 26th day of June. 1871. MAX LINDAtT, Administrator. Je27rlaw4wt.u vw a North Uay street.
EO. T. BROOKS. rRatahliahort lSTwt 1 nralmi nnit Fruit Can Manufacturer. Nos.
112 and 14t Camden street, keeps constantly on liaart a largo stock of CASS, and will sell oa aa good terms as any FOR BOSTON. The Steamships of the Merchants anit Miners 1'ransportalton Company will sail for BOA-TON, yia Norfolk, semi-weekly, as follows- Steamer GEO. A Fl'OLD, Capt. W. Dvili80, Ott THURSDAY.
July ISth. at o'clock P. M. Fare to Boston, mcindins meats and statorojni berth, Hi. Round trip (25.
i or frcifibt or passage JW-tf! Flanagan's wharf, foot Long Docf. FOK SAVANNAH, GEOKGIaT 1 1 HI iT VT PATUKDA1. July 15th, at 4 o'clock P. M. Through Bills of Lading and Through Pawier Ticket to all nolnU in Georgl Alabama and Plot-id.
issued, and 78 Smith's wharf. tAng or foot of Long Doc lc. FOK LIVERPOOL NsmwtT( lSMAN MNB OF MAIL STEAMERS, ailing frotn New iolk EVERY THURSDAY AND Tickets sold to and from England, Ireland, and th Continent. Apply to JOHN O. DALE.
15 Broad-way. New York, or to UKOUOK MtOAFFKAY. a St. Paul street. Baltimore, and A.
A. MARTIN Agent, at Adams Exureas Oillco. olti-ly con akdXIn AIL STEAMERS "one of these First-Class, Full Powered Iron Bteaut. Ships will sail FROM LIVERPOOL, CALLING AT QUEEN. TOWN.
EVERY TUESDAY and SATURDAY fof Kew York, direct. FROM NEW YORK FOTt LIVERPOOL EVERY-SATURDAY, carrying First Cabin and Steerage P-' sengors. and EVERY WEDNESDAY. carrying Cablit Passengers only. HOT llCKeia lo ana irora Bti pans oi r.urone ainn toC, G.1KANCE.LI Agent, lit Broadway, N.
A.D. KEENER, Agent. Adams Express Orllcc. 1 fc25-lyt 104 West Baltimore St. '5 ALLAN LINK.
STEAM BETWEEN BALTIMORE ANI Steamers of the above line will run as follows: STEAMSHIP NOKIU AMERICAN. From Liverpool, irom Baltiraoriy, July 14. at regular Intervals thereafter; taklna passcn gora and freight for Liverpool. PRICES OF PA3SA01C. Cabin currency.
tM, Goods must be cleared at the Custom House befora delivery of bills lading, blanks for which latter pill be furnished shippers. For freight or passage apply to the Agents. A. SCIIUMACHEK Sooth Cbarle strcer. SrB-tf Baltimore.
ANCHOR LINK STEAMERS SAIL JSivi-iEVEKY WEDNESDAY Aim SATURDAY TO AND FROM NEW YORE AND GLASGOW. Calling at Londonderry to land Malls nnd Pus Bcngers. Tho Steamers of this favorite line are built expressly for the Atlantic Passenger Trade. and fitted up in every respect with all the modem Improvements calculated to Insure tho safety, comfort and convenience of passengers. Passaox Katks.
Pataiil IK CrRRNOT. TO GLASGOW. LI VEKPOOL AND LON DON DKKRT, FTHST CABIN ff5 and 15. according to location. Cabin Return Tickets tlJO.
securing best accommodations. INTERMEDIATE STEERAGE Parties sending for their friends in the Old Cniinti can purchase tickets at redured rates. For further particulars apply to HENDERSON BKOTHE1W, 7 Bowling Greeu, New York, or to HALL LON KV. 2GX Second Btreet. Baltimore.
inni-6iuW2''4j a-! NOKTH GEll.MAN LLOYD. -JCZ' STEAM BETH KEN 11M.TIUORS unci BliEMEXvin The Screw Steamers of tho North German Lloyrf, of 2.001) tons and 700 borne power, will re-iimn tbeir trips between BALTIMORE AND BREMEN, vi SOUTHAMPTON, as follows: from Bremen. from Baltimore. LEIPSIG May 10, Juno 7. OHIO MyS4, June 21.
BERLIN Iune7, Julv ft. BALTIMORE June 21. July 19. OHIO IiilyS. Aug.
2. PRICE OF PASSAGE From Baltimore to Bremen, London, Havre and Southampton Cabin, $ltiil; Steerage, $'X. From Breineuto Baltimore Cabio. Steerage, 1 10. Prices of passage payable in gold or Its equivalent.
They touch atSoutuamptou both going aud ro- ''Tliese'vessels take Frolght to London. Hull. Hamburg, Antwerp. Rotterdam and Amsterdam, for which through bills ot lading are signed. An experienced Surgeon is attached to each vessel.
All let. ters must pass through the Postolllce. No bills of lading but those of the Company will be signed. Bills of lading will positively not bedeliverod bntori goods are cleared at the Custom House. or freight or passage apply to A.
The Steamers of this company will leave dally. (Sunday excepted,) at P. ti oui WHARF COltSEK OF LIGHT AND PKATT STd. Cabin Faro 00 Deck Fare 50 FREIGHTS of all kinds taken at lowest rales. J.
On and after FRIDAY, March 10th. the steamers of this line will leave Company's Wliarf, (late foot of F'rederick-street Dock, daily, (Sundays ex. cepted,) at 4 P. delivering cargo at New YoilC Second morning thereafter. Fora New York, steamers will leave Tier No.1 North river, dally, (Sundays excepted,) at 5 P.
M. F'relghts ot all descriptions curried at the lowo9S ratea. For further Information and rates apply tu J. ALEX. SiiiilVEK, Agr-ut, No.
3 Light-street wharf. 1 Agent, mlO-tJfil, Tier No. 7 North river, N. Y. SPRING ARRANGEMENT, 71 1 CHErJtK RIVER STEAMBOAT COMPANY, The Steamer GEO.
LA will leave 11 Ett Light. Street wharf, every TUESDAY. an SATURDAY MORNING, at 7 o'clk, for Kent Island. Qneenstown. Gray's Inn, Corsica, Spencer's, Quaker Neck, Booker's, liolph's, Chcstertown, Round Top nnd Crumpton.
Returning, leaves Crumpton every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, at 61 o'clock A. touching at at all the above Landings. Freight received Mondays, Wedni-sduys and Fridays, up to 6 o'clock, and must in all cisca be pre paid. Oflice on Wharf. A.
T. JOYNES. ml3-tS13" Agent. MARYLAND -n? company. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS.
Commencing TUESDAY, June 2Mb. 1811, Stonmcrg for ANNAPOLIS leave dally at 1 A. leaving Annapolis on the return at P. M. Fare 75 MONDAYS and THURSDAYS the Steamers will' extend the trips to West and Severn Rivers, leaviiia West River at A.
and WEDNESDAYS ami SATURDAYS to West River only, leaving West River at 1.80 P. M. Fare to West aud Severn Rivera Steamer for ST. MICHAELS and MILES K1VE11 leaves TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS at 7 A. loavluid Miles River at 12 o'clock noon, and stopping at Annapolis on the return only.
The Stoamur HIGHLAND LIGHT, for A N. OXFORD, CAM. BRIDGE. DENTON and -Intermediate Landings, leaves TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS nnd SATURDAYS, at 8.30 P. returning on MONDAY.
WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY NIGHTS. State Rooms and Berths ou Night Boats and Meala served on all the Steamers. tAiioi) i I- TRANSPORTATION LINK. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. '1 CHANGE OF DAYS.
On and artor WEDNESDAY, June 14. the Steamer MARY WASHINGTON will rnn as follows: Leave Pier No. 8 Light ntrPt EVERY WKDi NKSDAY MOKNING. nt 6 o'clock, for PatuxenC River, via Plum Point, proceeding as (hi up as Beiw edict. Returning, leave Benedict EVERY Thuks4 DAY MORNING, at o'clock, for Baltimore, calluiie at Plum Point going and returning.
Leave Pier No. 8 Light street EVERY FRIDAY! NIGHT, et 10 o'clock, for Patuxent Klvor dlroctj proceeding as far up as Hill's Landing. Returning; leave Nottingham EVERY MONDAY MORNING, a o'clock, for Baltimore, calling at all the lundiugt' on the river for freight and passengers. Freight received on Tuesdays and Fridays only, at No. 1 Tobacco Warehouse Wharf, The steamer PLANTER has been temporarily withdrawn from the route.
GEORGETOWN, AND POTOMAO, RIVER LANDINGS, ALSO FOR FREDERICKSBURG AND CTIE3A- PEA EE AND OHIO RAILROAD. I The steamer "GEORGE ANN will, on and aftctl MONDAY. May 20th, 1871, leave Baltimore, from Pier 9 Light stree.t.e very MONDAYand THURSDAY, at 7 P. M. Returning, will leave A qui a.
Creek every WEDN ESDAY and SATURDAY al 5 A. M. i reiglit received aany. For further inlormation apply to C. P.
IU VINE. Agent. m28-tf 138 Light Btrect, Baltimore. FOR RICHMOND. THE POPULAR AND FAVORITE in np.
RICHMOND AND YORK iiiVEK R. 11 LINE. Steamer State of Virginia Cnpt. L. W.
Steamer Admiral-Cant. PHILIP P.EYBOLI). Leave Pier 2, Light street wharf, dailv, at 4 P. Jf. (Sundays arrive in Richmond at 11 A.
SI I next morning. I Breakfast on Steamer befor arrlvlne at Wn-it; Point. Passage from Baltimore to Richmond only fSJT Freight received daily, carefully handled tii forwarded with dispatch. Through bills of ladius given to all points South. further information apply to 1 ni20-6m' K.
FOSTER. Agent, 90 Light at. CATONSVILLE RAILWAY. LEAVE BALTIMORE for Catons-. e-K-A-SSakm viae each hoar from 0 A.
M. to 8 P. hiki iit o.ou ana iu r. i. LEAVE CATONSVILLE each hour from 8 A.M.
to P. and at 7.S0 A. M. LOUDON FAKli each half hour from 2 6 M. For ELLICOTT CITY at and 10 A.
M. and 2 andl 6 P. M- Leave ELLICOTT CITY at 7 and 10 A. M. and i and 6 P.
M. fiSSSSSr BALTIMORE. CALVERTON" AXi POWHATAN RAILROAD. uu unci ounifli, luay Bin, Cars will leave Baltimore for Powhataa at 7. and 11 A.
M. and 2. t. 6 and 8 P. M.
Leave Fowhatnu for Baltimore at 5.10, 7.15. 9.15 andl 11.15 A. M. and 2.1", 4.15 and 0.15 P. M.
On SATURDAY a a nar will liva Hnltlmrtrn At a 'Til The enrs-of Companv connfttt with the fled line oi tbe Bultiuiuio City Passenger Railway Company. m211y4. YOKE. KOAD RAILWAY. SKAIMER ARRANGEMENT.
a on ana ttuer 7-uNDAY, May 28th, cars will laava Baltimore lor n.nh from 6.30 A. M- to S.o0 P. ami at 10 and 11 P. M. LeaVfi lOWSfilltnWIl fill.
u.nh hnn. flom6A.M.jlOP.M. v- Leave Balti more ror wavcrley Hall at 8 A. and at each hour irom 2 to 7 P. M.
Leave Warvrltv llnll inr Halflmore at 7 "in and ft 3H A. andi.30. 3.30. 4.30. 5.30.
6.80 and 7.30 P.M. ni24- THK SUN JL PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. A COMPLETE OFF ICE, i WITH A NEW OUTFIT OF EVERYTHING MODERN. NEW MATERIAL ADDITIONAL MACH IN ERTI THE LATEST NOYEL'HES TYPES ASD BORDER OK.NAMEifTS, selected with care from the MOST FOU.NDEUJ.E3 In the country. To the very considerable cnansiw and lmnrn tnents that have just beeu made in in, 7 THE SUN JOB OfrFICE the attention ot ail who appreciate the advantages if uuuu i i especial invited.
The nnnsnally large supply oi TiPES, BORDERS, heretofore made it one of tho MOST EXTENSIVE PRINTING fiiTAOlISa MENfs iN THK UNITKO STAlW' Uaa Been replaced with a "omnleie assorcuiaulof 1ST SAMIIKI, H. OOVKB tOSS. ADMINISTRATRIX'S SALE 1 ASEHOLD PROPERTY ON NOBTH FRONT STREET; Under an order of theOrphauB' Court of Baltimore city, the undersigned, as administratrix with the will annexed of Patrick McCartney, deceased, will sell at public sale, on the premises, on THIS DAY, tbe 13th of uly, 1871, at 4 o'clock, to the highest bidder, for cash, 1 ALL THAT LOT OF GROUND frontlne on the northeast side of North Front street 13 feet 3 inches, with an irregular depth southeasterly about 77 feet, with the use of an alley in common. For title see liber E. D.
No. 96. folio 86, 4c. Subjeot to an annual ground rent of $S5, payable yearly. Taxes and ground rent apportioned to day or sale.
The improvements (No. 13j are a two-story BR1CE. BUILDING and Kitchen. CATHERINE CLISHAM. Admlstratrlx t.
a. QUINN PKESSTMAN. Attorneys. 70 West Fayette street Jv7-tg' 8, H. GOVEK A SONS.
Aucts. EIGHT VERY DESlKABLB BRICK DWELLINGS OX LOMBARD ANT DALLAS STREETS AT AUCTION. WILL BE SOLD IN ONE LOT. We will sell on FRIDAY, July 14th, at 4 the premises, all the following described very desirable property, viz: All those EIGHT LOTS OB" GROUND and IMPROVEMENTS situated as follows, viz: The Lot fronts Lombard street 43 feet 6 Inches and running back to Dallas street. The improvements on Lombard street (Nos.
203, 205 and U07) consist Of three well built two-story BRICK DWELLINGS. ALSO, Improved on Dallas street by live well-built ttro-Story BRICK DWELLINGS. i- All of the property now under rent at $1,000 per year. They will bo sold in one lot. giving a person an opportunity for a good Investment.
Ground rent on the whole lot of S1J7. Terms of sale: One-half cash, the balance la sir monthB. with interest and approved securit y. Bale positive. A deposit ol 100 at time of sale.
SAML. H. GOVER SONS. Jy8-ts southeast cor. Gay and Fayette su.
fe ANpIAL Ml PEREMPTORY SALE OF HORSES, COWS, AND OTHER STOCK. FARM UTENSILS AND IMPLEMENTS, LtOUSEUOLD 4 AT Ju fcj THE MONUMENT HOUSE, the North Point Road, Patapsco Neck, On FRIDAY MOKNING. July 14ih, at to o'clock. We will sell, at the. time and place named above, all the effects of the Monument House, Store and Farm, consisting ot One imported Alderney thoroughbred BULL, two years old.
One BULLOCK. Four MILCH COWS, one with Calf by tier side. One HEIFER. One EXPRESS WAGON. One AG GEK WAGON, one Jersey Wagon.
A quantity of Ducks, Geese. Chickens, One Double Set WAGON HARNESS. One Light Set Wagon Harness. ALSO, All the FARMING IMPLEMENTS Flows, Harrows, Cultivators, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Immediately after the above we will sell all the Household Furniture, Carpets.
Stoves, Crockery and Tin Ware. ALSO. THE GOOD-WILL AND FIXTURES OF THE STORE attached to tbe Hotel. Sale peremptory and terms cash on day of sale. By order of MR.
Corner Gay and Fayette sta. TWO VERY DESIRABLE MOVABLE STALLS CENTRE MARKET ON L0MBABD STREET. I will sell on SATURDAY MORNING. July 15, 1871, at 11 o'clock, on the premises, the two very desirable MOVABLE STALLS in Centre Market, on Lombard street, now occupied as Vegetable Stalls, being Nos. SO and 81.
16 feel front by feet deep. Sale oositi ve. A deposit of 325 at time of sale. Terms cash. S.
We will sell, on MONDAY, July 17th, at 6 o'clock, on the premises, the following Desirable PROPERTY, viz; ALL THAT LOT OF GROUND AND IMPROVEMENTS, situated on Wyeth street, five doors from St. Peter street. The Lot fronts Wyeth street 12 feet, and rnus back 70 feet to a 10-foot alley. The Im- rovements (No, 31.) consist of a two-story BRICK 'WELLING, hydrant in the yard, Ground rent 83 50 per front foot. The above property Is situated near the works of the Peoole's Gas Company and tha Baltimore and Ohio KallrGad Company, and several other large manufacturing establishments.
Sale peremptory. Terms Onedialf cash, balance in six months. A deposit of $50 at time of sale. S. H.
Under a decree of the Circuit Court of Baltimore city, 1 will 6ell at PUBLIC AUCTION, on the premises, on MONDAY, the Sletdayof July, 187X, at five o'clock P. ALL THAT LOT OF GROUND beginning on the east side of Gilmor street 114 feet north from the northeast corner of Ramsay and Gilmor streets, and running thence north on the east side of Gilmor Btreet 14 feet, with a depth of even width easterly, parallel with Ramsay street, 75 feet to a three-loot alley, with the use thereof in common. The IMPROVEMENTS are a handsome, well-built and convenient three-story BRICK DWELLING, with Back Building, being tne ninth House north of Ramsay Btreet. Ground-rent 42 per year, which, with taxes and water reut, will be paid to day of sale. Terms: One-third cash, balance In 6 and 12 months, with interest, or all cash, at purchaser's option; the credit payments to be secured to Trustee's satisfaction.
EDWARD DUFFY, Trustee, 15 St. Paul street. SAMUEL GOVEK 4 SONS, Auctioneers. TRUSTEE'S SALE, filli Under a decree of the Circuit Court, the nnder-Bigned, trustee, will sell, on the premises, on WEDNESDAY, the 2d day of August, 181, at 4M o'clock P. that PROPERTY on tbe south side of Raborg street, beginning at the centre of an alley 2 feet 6 inches wide, laid out for the use of the lots bounding thereon; thence westerly, bounding on Raborg street, 14 feet 8 Inches; thence southerly, of nearly equal with, 67 feet four inches to the land conveyed by Stewart to Scharf by deed dated 27th of July, 1842.
recorded in T. K. No. 822. folio 97, being the same lot of ground which by deed dated the 12th day of August.
186S. recorded in Liber G. K. No. 387, folio 244, was conveyed by F'rancis Czar-nowsky to John E.
Warner. Ground-rent 44 per annum. Also another LOT on Kaborg street, 11 feet front, with equal width GO feet deep. Being the same lot of ground which, by deed dated the 6th day of October, 1808, and recorded in sLiber G. K.
No. 894, folio 139. was conveyed by Samuel Maccubbln to Jno. E. Warner.
Ground-rent $21 per annum. Terms of Bale One-third cash, balance in six and twelve months, or all cash, at the purchaser's options credit payments to bear Interest from the day of sale, and secured satisfactorily to tbe trustee. The impiovemenls are DWELLING HOUSES, suitable for small families. JOHN SMALL. Trustee.
Southwest corner ayette and Charles streets. S. H. GOVER SONS, Aucts. BY THOHAS CO.
fm PUBLIC SALE SMALL DWELLING HODSES ON FAKRISH ST. Oil FRIDAY AFTERNOON, the 14th diiy of Julv, at 5 o'clock, on the premises, we will sell all those two LOTS OF GROUND AND IMPROVEMENTS situated on Parrish street, near the corner of Strieker and I'ratt streets, fronting each twelve feet by a depth of fifty-five feet, subject to an annual ground rent of tJO per annum on each lot. The improvements are a two-story Brick DWELLING tinou each lot, (Nos. 10 and 12;) possession immediately. Terms Cash, or if desired, the whole or part of purchase money can be arranged through weeiily installments in a Building Association of jl 18.
ADKEON, THOMAS jll-tea Auctioneers. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court of Balti more city, the undersigned, as trustee, will offer for Bale at public auction, on the premises, WEDNESDAY, July 19th. 1871. at 4 o'clock P.
M. THE LOT OF GROUND AND PREMISES on the south side of Jefferson street, at a distance of fifteen feet westerly irom the southwest corner of Ann and Jefferson streets, with a front of fifteen feet and a depth of seventy -five feet. Improvements consist of a new three-story BRICK. HOUSE, with. BACK BUILDINGS.
Subject to an annual eronnd-rent of J37 50, Terms of sale under the decree, one-third cash, the balance In six months, or all cash at the option of tbe purchaser. Credit payments to be secured by notes beariug date from the day of sale, and bearing interest with securities to the satisfaction of the Trustee. WM. M. MARINE, 26 North Calvert street, Trustee.
MARY'S COUN-IZT TV, KNOWN AS THE "BUSHWOOD PROPERTY." We will sell at public auction on TUESDAY, the 1st day of August, 1871, at 1 o'clock P. at the Exchange Salesroom, 53 Second street, Baltimore, that valuable F'ARM in St. Mary's county, near the junction of the Potomac and Wicomico rivers, known as the BUSHWOOD ESTATE, and containing 1.150 acres, more or less. The soil is unusually fertile, and in a high Btate of cultivation; the large quantity of meadow land offers peculiar inducements to stock raisers. The tract lies iu a compact body, is well watered and fenced, and has a superabundance of every variety of TIMBER, tlO.OOO or more of which could be cut off, and large supply left for home consumption.
The PEACH ORCHARD is magnificent; contains about 10,000 trees, 5,000 ol which are Hale's Early, and are in full bearing. Besides Peaches, there are PEARS and other fruits (large and small) as choice in their variety as they are large in quantity. The DWELLING, of brick, is one of the finest and most substantially built houses in lower Maryland, and commands a land and water view of at least thirty miies. It has also all the necessary outbuildings. The location is exceedingly healthy, the society of the neighborhood social and cultivated, and churches, schools, milts, stores, convenient.
Steamers to and from Baltimore and Washington stop at the wharf adjoining; several times a week. In addition to (ts merits ae a farm, it commends itself not less to all lovers of sport for its fine shooting and Ashing, which are unsurpassed by any place-onthe Potomac. Persons desiring to purchase are invited to view the premises before the day of sale. Terms, which will be liberal, will be made known at sale. JOSEPHINE PLOWDEN.
P. H. SULLIVAN SON. Auctioneers. corner Courtlaud and Lexington sts.
N. B. Parties can purchase privately prior to dav of Bale by applying to the auctioneers. PUBLIC SALE ARM, GRIST AND SAW MILL IN ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, TWULVfi AU1-1SS flSOM BALTIMOKE. Binding on the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad, and within one mile of Phelps's Switch, on the Annapolis Railroad, SATURDAY, July 15, 1571.
at 0 clock M. The subscriber, as attorney for the owner, will sell at Public Sale on the premises, the F'ARM owned and occupied by E. Pyles, containing 132 acres of land, more or less. Improved by a FRAME DWELLING. Stable, Corn House, Tobacco House, Grist and Saw Mill, with Apple and Peach Orchard in bearing.
Adjoins John Lowman, John Jackson, Richard Miles and others. There is a good stand for a Btore on the railroad. Soil good, churches, schools and postofflce convenient. Will be sold whole or in pai to suit purchasers. Terms.
One-third cash, balance in one and two years, with interest. For fall particulars anply to M. BANNON, Attorney, Jy8-tst 3a St. Paul street. Baltimore.
W- AUCTION SALE OF STANDS. EST BALTIMOKE SCHUETZEN FESTIVAL. JULY 31ST, AUGUST lSf, A'D 3D. The auction sale of Stands for the Festival of this Association will be held on THURSDAY AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock, at the West Baltimore Schuetzen Park, as follows: 5 Drinking Bars. 2 Eating Saloons.
1 Coffee Stand, 8 Confectionery Stands, 1 Cigar Stand, Raining Stand, 3 Shooting Saloons, 1 Place for Swings. 1 Carousal. Take Ked Cars to Fulton street. HAIK. PLASTERING HAIR for to 5,000 bushelsr-at wholesale and wholesale price.
Apply to U. HEWLETT BON, 9 Watexaueet. LY F. W. BE.SMETT CO.
SHERIFF'S SALE. Under and by virtue of an order passed by the Baltimore City Court in the attachment case of K. Courtney Bro. vs. McCnnney A IHllen, I will sell on the premises.
No. IN St. Paulstreet, on FRIDAY, the 14th dav of July at 10 o'clock A. all the PERSONAL PROPERTY contained therein, comprising Drinking Bar and Shelving, one verysupe-rior Krassells Carpet, Tables, Chairs, Oilcloth, Chandeliers. Pictures, Glassware.
4c, ALSO, Lot of Liquors Aloe, Whisky, Oin. Hum, Wines. Terms cash. AUGUSTUS ALBERT. JylO-tsJ F.
W. BENNETT SPECIAL AUCTION BALK. JTiT! On SATURDAY MOInTnG, 15th of Jnlyf'ttn O'clock, at HH and SO South Charles street STARLIGHT A Trotting MARK, perfectly kind, safe and sound in all respects. Can trot In three minutes. GIPSY MAID GRAY MARE, four years old, perfect picture, warranted sound, promises great speed, of great endurance.
Pedigree at sale. DAISY SORREL KIDINU MARK, 7 years Old, 15X bands, thoroughbred. Very valuable. CARRIAGES. HARNESS.
ETC. VICTORIA PilJETON, nearly new. cost $1,200. AGGER WAGONS, New and Second-Hand, KOCKAWAYS. from private persons.
1 SUPERIOR TOP Y. City make, warranted. 1 SQUARE HALF-GEKMANTOWNv City make. warraufaeu. SECOND-HAND CARRIAGES, kind.
JiS-ta5 F. W. BENNETT Anctloneora. SHERIFF'S Under and by virtue of an order passed by the Superior Court in tiie attachment case of Lanahan vs. Howe, will 6cll at the auction iioubo of r.
w. Bennett Nos. 28 and .10 S. Charles on SAT URDAY, the loth day of July at 10 o'clock A. lbbi.
WHISKY. 1 bbl, SUGAR. 1 bbl. SYRUP, bbls. FISH, 5 boxes SOAP, 1 bag CO Jf JiJS, BUtJV KTS, BROOMS.
Terms cash. AUGUSTUS ALBERT. Sheriff. Jyia-luf F. W.
BENNETT Aucta. RHRRTFF'8 SALE. By virtue of an execution issued out of the Balti more oity in uie case oi mmuaii es uiobod vs, White Sale. 1 will sell at the auction house of W. Bennett Nos.
28 and SO South Charles street, on SATURDAY, the day of July at IV CtOCK A. OU OAltS. Terms cash. AUGUSTUS ALBERT. Sheriff.
On TUESDAY MORNING, July 18. commencing at 10 o'clock, we shall sell oy catalogue, at No. I (i WEST PRATT STREET, near Light street, the ENTIRE VALUABLE STOCK OF F'OREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE belonging to Mr. S. T.
PROCTER, who is declining business. The stock Is extensive and comprises all goods usually found iu Hardware establishments. Also. THE STORE FIXTURES. T1LTON McFARLAND'S FIRE PROOF SAFE.
N. B. Catalogues will be ready and the stock for examination the day previous to sale. Sale positive and terms cash. Jyb-tsj F.
as and 30 South Charles street, on THURSDAY MORN ING. July 20th, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely. The assortment comprises Gold and Silver Watches, line Gold Jewelry, Guns, Revolvers, a large collection of Ladies' and Gents' Wearing Apparel, Bed Clothing, Table Linen, one Wheeler Wilson's Sewing Machine, together with a large variety of articles usually found In Bimilar sales. P. BENTLEY, 493M West Baltimore street.
By authority of the Orphans' Court of Baltimore citv, the undersigned. Executor, will sell at public sale, on the premises, on TH RSDAY AFTERN OON Julv 20th, at 5 o'clock, the following property, viz: Beginning on the northwest side of Fawn street forty feet westerly from the northwest corner ol Fawn and Exeter streets, fronting on Fawn street thirteen feet and four inches, by a depth parallel with Exeter street one hundred feet. Bobject to a yearly rent of $20 Gtj in equal on first day of January and July in every year. Improvements, two-story and attic Brick BUILDING, with two-story brick back building, newly painted and papered, gas in the house and water iu the yard, all in iirst rato condition. Terms: One-half ca3h.
balance in twelve months, With interest. JAS. VV. FLACK, Executer of Wm. Bakor.
w. BOWIE. OF PRINCE'S GEORGE'S COUNTY. By virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for Priuce George's county, sitting as a court of equity, the undersigned will otter at public sale, at Belts-ville station, Washington Branch Baltimore and Ohio railroad, on WEDNESDAY', July 19th, 1871. at eleven o'clock A.
the beautiful COUNTRY SEAT of W. W. W. Bowie, known as Eglinton," and containing 294 acres, more or less, ana lying on the pub-Bc road from Governor's Bridge to Unper Marlboro', being eight miles from Millersville, oh tbe Annapolis and Elkridge railroad, and one and a half mile from a proposed station on the Baltimore and Potomao raliroad. Improved by an attractive DWELLING, beautifully located upon a natural terrace and surrounded by native and exotic evergreens and deciduous trees of every variety.
The outbuildings of all descriptions are extensive and comfortable, and Col. Bowie's long connection with the leading agriculturists of thii country has given the garden and rruit a wide celebrity. The place is heavily WOODED along the bants of the Patuxent, and commands a valuable WATER POWER. Its fl ue location. Its health, and Its nearness to the markets of Baltimore and Washington, give this property a high value either as a Country Seat or Market Farm.
Sale peremptory. Terms of sale one-half cash; Balance in six months, with interest and approved security. JOHN GLENN, Trustee. Je24 eots? JOHN H. HALL.
Auctioneer. S9 GREEN BERRY'S POINT FAKM KM FOR SALE. By virtue of a decree of the Circuit Conrt of Anne Arundel county, parsed on the of June instant, in a cause wherein David Higgins and wife and of tiers are complainants, and James K. Howison, Administrator of Henry O. Mlddleton and others, are defendants, the subscribers, as trustees, will sell at Public Sale, on the 25th day of Jnly, 1R7I, at 12 o'clock in the city of Annapolis, at the Court-House door, all that part of GKEKNBEKRY'S POINT FAKM of which said Henry O.Middleton died possessed, consisting of about 30 IX ACRES, being part of a tract of laud called "Hammond's Inheritance," lying on the Chesapeake Bay, Mill Creek and Carr's Creek, in said county, about one and a-tnilf mile from Annapolis.
Tbe improvements consist of a large and comfortable DWELLING, Kitchen. Barns. Stables, Ice House, and all other suitable outhouses. The soil is fertile, well adapted to produce all the crops of the county, and from Its location and ready communication with Baltimore and Annapolis, admirably suited for. a Fruit, Vegetable, Dairy aud Market arm generally.
About 80 acres are in Wood, the remainder arable, easily and cheaply improved by burning shells, It will be divided or sold entire, to suit purchasers. The terms of sale prescribed by tbe decree are: One-third oi tbe purchase money to be paid in cash on the day of sale, or of the final ratification thereof, and the residue in two equal annual installments from the day of sale, and to be secured by the bonds of the purchaser, with security to the satisfaction of the trustees; the interest on the whole unpaid purchase money to be paid annually, and retained as far as matured from any payment when made. As required by this decree, the trustees give notice to the creditors of said Henry O. Middleton to file their claims, with the vouchers thereof, in the oflice of the clerk of this court within four mouths ft cm the day of sale. ALEX.
The subscriber will offer at public sale, on the premises, on TUESDAY, the of July, 1871, at 2 o'clock P. the F'ARM on which bis bo a resides, located near the mouth of Monocacy, Frederick county, on the line of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, and the Metropolitan and Point ol Kocks Railroad, which will be completed within the current year, one mile from the contemplated depot, originally a part of "Carroll's Manor," containing ai'i ACRES OF LAND, more or less. 6 acres in timber, about 30 acres heavily set in timothy, the remainder in good state of cultivation, divided into four fields and meadow, with running water in three of them. This Farm is mostly river bottom, well adapted to grass, and by its close proximity by rail to Washington city, would make a desirable groziug or Dairy Farm. The improvements consist of a two storv FRAME WEATHERBOARDED HOUSE, cased with brick.
Frame Stable, Quarters, Smokehouse. Carriage-house, and other outbuildings, a well of pure water at the door: these buildings aro all new, having been recently built; there are several excellent springs on the Farm. The Metropolitan Railroad pusses through a portion of the arm, and there are on the arm about four thousand new cliesnut rails to fence up the same, the rest of the fencing Is lu good condition, mot of it nw. This Land caunot be surpassed for fertility and productiveness. Terms: One-third cash, and the balance in two payments of one and two years, secured by tbe notes or bonds of the purchaser, with interest from day of sale.
When tiie whoie of tbe purchase money is paid a good and suiiieieut deed will be given: the purchaser to be at the expense ot conveyancing. stamps, kc. Possession given the 1st day of September, 1871, and the privilege of plowing, at any time after the 1st day of August. 1S71, My eon. C.
H. Trundle, living on the Farm, will take pleasure in showing the property to any one disposed to purchase. OTHO W. TRUNDLE, Jy6-eots) Point of Kocks, Maryland. PUBLIC SALE OF A AK AND THE BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON KiltKUAU.
The subscriber will offer at public sale, on the premises, one lourth of a mile from the station at Belts-ville, on TH URSDAY. July 13th. 1871. at 8 o'clock P. a FAKM, containing acres.
Improved by a good new slated DWELLING HOUSE, containing 15 rooms; the outhouses are large and commodious, such as are seldom found on a farm of tbat size. There are 60 acres in Strawberries. Peach Orchard of 2,000 trees, 500 Apple trees, with Fears. Grapes and Cherries in abundance. It binds on ilia railroad, aud adjoins Jno.
Simms, and Rev. Jos. Earnest. If desired it can be divided into two farms, with a good Dwelling on each. 1 1 Terms: one-third csh, balance to suit.
For full particulars apply tu WM. A. L1NTH1CUM, on the premises, or M. BANNON, Attorney, je23-eots 82 St. Paul street, Baltimore.
NEVER DESPAIR. All sights suited at TOBIAS', Optician, 8 N. Green st with every description of SPECTACLES, EYE-GLASSES, Brazilian PEB-BLES. and Glasses ttxed. warranted to suit, jyl-lm HEMOVAL.
WEINRlCH, SHOE FINDINGS AND LEATHER DEALER, has REMOVED his place of business from 93 UAIUUSOH IQ Ho. 4K, ou um awmau aide, ANTED A Boy, to LEAKS A TRADE, at 11 BALTIMORE STREET. ANTED Experienced CANVA83KK3, with ply at No. 11 SOUTH HOLLIPAY STKEET. It WANTED A Girl to WORK WITH A TAILOR on fine Coats and run a Singer SewingMacbino.
at 52 VALLEY ST. L-2t ANTED A PARTNER, with 30O, in a good narine business, In the city. Address J. cun oiucb. ANTED TO SELL A MILK KOUTB Horsea.
VV Watron and Fixtures complete. Apply at 33 ST. PAL'L 8T. jl8 eo3t A' YOUNG MAN WILL TAKE CAKE OF A HOUSE FOU HIS KOOM KENT. The best ret-erence.
Addres J. HOWAKD, 8un office. It. WANTED A first-class LIGHT BODT-MAKEK. None other need apply.
CliAS. UKESH, Jasper near Franklin. ltJ BOYS WASTED A strong, stout BOY. to assist in Warehouse, and two to nil and Sew Dairy SaltBaes. Apply at 111 SMITH'S WHAKF.
'If "WANTED A good second-band SHOW CASE, about six feet long. Address roSTOFFICK BOX 131. Jl3-2t! WANTED TO P-OltUO $800. for four months, on a Life Insurance Policy. Address ALKXAN-DH.
FostoQlce. lfl A WIDOW LADY wishes some one to ADOPT HEK MALK CHILD, two weeks old. Inquire of MUS. WM. C.
FALMEli. Children's Aid Society, 72 North Calvert 8treet.i ltJ WANTED An active AGENT for City and one for the Country, for a first-class Lite Insurance Company. 'Terms very liberal. Address BUSINESS, Sun office. JylSGt't WANTED A FAKTNKK to establish a wholesale L1QUOK BUSINESS: capital not as much object as a good city trade.
Address A. Sun office, with reference. jl3-2t0 WANTED In an Insurance Ollice. a LAD who is acquainted wiih the city, and is willing to make himself generally useful. Apply, in handwrit-lug.
to INSUKAN'CE, Sun office. ANTED A first-class BLACKSMITH on light Carriage work. Constant employment and good wazes will oe given. Jf. BALLAKD, jyia-3tt York ayanue.
WANTED A PIJACTICAL SOAP BOILEU, to RO to Savannah, Cteorgia; one who can come well recommended will hear of a situation. Apply at 36 S. CHAKLES Friday next, 14th Inst. Jyt3-2t'i CATHOLIC COLOUED BOY WANTED Sixteen to 18 years of age, to DKIVE A WAGON. read and write and have city reference.
Apply to CONWAY cor.Chesnot and Ensorsts. ANTE A Man. to KIN A MOULDING MA-m CHINK; one Who can make his own Cutters. Apply to HALL GAKK1SON, it'! 37 Leaaenhall street. WANTED A SET OF BOOKS TO KEEP, Double or Single Kntry, or WlilTING of any description, by a coin peient party bavin? several evenings leisure.
Good references. Address LK1SUKE, Box 11 lo P. O. lfl Y7ANTK1 Several Hands, to BASTE AND FIN-W 1SH FINE CASS1MEH PANTS AND VESTS: also one good BUTTON-HOLE MAKEK, on the best of Vests. Steady wort and erood wasres.
Apply at 1 1 and 16 GEUMAN STHEET, np stairs. 'Jyl3-3t "1 7 ANTED Every person to know that they can get Freh FISH, Soft and Hard CKABS. PEAL-KK3, day or night, at THOMAS HaittiETT'S, No. 371 South Eutaw street, Spring Gardens, opposite Knabe's Piano F'actory. J13-ltj A YOUNG LADY of this city, of the is -deirons of having a FEMALE COMPANION who wishes to visit the celebrated watering place of Koekbridge Alum Springs, each paying her expense, where unusually desirable protection and attractiTeness would be atforded oy those sojourning there.
U. Sua olhce, to the 15th. with real name and address. lt't 1 fin WANTED. A KAKE CHANCE.
A re-O VJJ liable, energetic party, with the above amount, can join the advertiser in an established CASH BUSINESS, paying large profits. No compe-tltion. Address SECUK1TY. Sun office. H5 Q' nnil WANTED A SPECIAL NEK.
with 25.0f)U. in an old-established cash business. Address, with real name. O. Postotnce.
jy 133-t SUN KOUTE WANTED. Best cash price paid. Address CASH. Sun oflice. J12-itj WANTED A good GAKDENEK, on the Belair road, opposite Greenwood 1'ark.
jyl2-2f? I1ENKY F'RITZ. 10O PAIK3 OF PIGEONS. Boys. i bring along your I'igeons, and get the cash for them at CAKTEK'3. 45 North Bt.
jll-5t. WANTED Salesmen for the best HOUSEREEP-v ING AKTICLE out. Ketsiled at 50 cts. Apply at HAKVEY'S, ttlX North Kataw St. WANTED A good COACH TKIMMElt, by DUNCAN.
KHEIN CON AW AT. Jy8-eo3t N. E. corner Frederick and Second sts. BOOKKEEPEK WANTED.
Must be unmarried, a rapid, easy penman, and of undoubted character. Address CAHLTON. Sun office, with references, stating salary required, frc. PAKTNEK WANTED To invest Sl.ono in a pleasant and profitable business established in this city. Address AKN EST, for one week, at the San onlce.
Jy 12-2t MILLEK WANTED. A good M1LLEK and STONE-DKESSEK can obtain steady employment and fair wages by applying lo ANGELL. P. O. Box 1220, giving references and address.
J12-3t; ANTED An experienced BOOKKEE-PEK, to close np a set of books kept bv double entry, for which a liberal remuneration will be paid. Ad-dress V. Postofflce Box 137 1. iyll-St'' OSHOEMAK.EKS WANTED PEGGED BOOTS. None but the best hands need apply at 31S West Baltimore street.
Willbeaoid low. Apply at jy 11-Ct No. 1 HANOYEK STHEET. WANTF.D-A SITUATION, in a WHOLESALE HOUSE, by a Young MAN, who is willing to make himseif useiuL Address B. Sun ollice.
JS-eo3t I Vr ANTED ifty MEN on the W. M. K. K. Wages i i.j ci uaj ttuu ten u.itro lauor.
xoaru per month. Apply at SECTION 21, on the work. je ijj-12t' JOHN LYONS. Contractor. UT ANTED ltr6ept.
12th. a FEM ALE TEACHER, thoroughly competent to give instruction in Mathematics, higher English branches and Music on the Piano. Address MISS W. SMITH, Govans- towu, Baltimore county, Md. u-4t WANTED.
A Gentleman, with rive or ten thousand dollars, desis to INVEST HIS CAPITAL AND SEUVICES in some hrst-class. business. Address, with real name, G. W. Sun oiflee.
ill-3t, Vr ANTED A Man and his Wife the Man to be tDiihJlSK ON A the Wife to AT TEND THE liAIKY. men need apply. S. street. None but sober, experienced K.
DASH1KLL. 3a St. Paul 3v3eo6t: 17 ANTED- A Gentleman intending to make a estern tour during this sdmmer. would like to take a No. 1 COMMKKC1AL.
MAN FACT Ur KEK'S or PATENT fiENCY tfiat. witii taleut. energy and skill, willi" well. AddreoB, through Sun office, SUCCESS, for four tiays. jy 13-St CTAKl)ENtrK WANTED.
A good, industrious. Vegetable GAKDENEK is wanted to go to the Eastern shore of Maryland: a Married Man. Wile to attend the diiry -and husband to atdst in -milking. Fair wages will be paid to a suitable and worthy man. Apply to I.
M. PARK SON. NO. S3 South street. jylMfi i C-1 Xflfk TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE, in 1 sains to suit; at low rates, on good City Property.
vv. a. Al AiSlilOl 1, No. 35 North Charles et. nn oo- 82.500, OO.XjKJvJ ON MOKTGAGE.
S1.000 TO LOAN HANArfi MAU- IIS. No. 1 Law Buildings, St. Paul st 0 TO LOAN ON CITY PKOFEK1T. P1EKKK C.
DUGAN. jia-Sf a St. Paul street. SJ' fi( TO LOAN IMMEDIATELY, on citv tJSJ.JJJ property, and other sums to suit, at aecitaoid rates. J124t: Apply to F.
M. SNOWDEN. 83 West Fayette street. nnn lend on oood city ob CUCMKYSECUKITY ateasy rates JOHN GLENN US West Fayette Btrect. TaN- ON HOKTGAGE-In Vo.uuo sums uesired.
T. HENDERSON, 40 St. Paul street. JeMWni. 11 fWin WANTED To CONNECT in some UlU.UUU, establijihed with the above capital, by a party of twenty-seven years' experience Pry Goods, or would form a new House iu any active, lucrative business.
The best references given. Address, with real name, f. J. K-. Sun onloe.
jyl2-f A Vr ANTED EVEKY PEKSON to know that the i original Elias Howe. 184S, new improved GENUINE HOWE, 1S71, Improved EM PIKE SEWING MACHINE, and all others, are for sale or exchanged at Tlios. SHANKS'S. corner Lombard and Sharp on monthly or weekly pay. B.
Ail kinds of Machines renewed, not re-paired. jy 6-lm GENTLEMEN HAVING CAST-OFF CLOTHING can receive tbe Mghtnl casft vrire if they send a note or come personally to 8. KOSENTHAL. Nos. t.
and 9Q Harrison street, near Gay. Jj 3-1 CAST-Ortr CLOTHING. The highest cash price given for CAST-OFF CLOTHING by coming personally or directing a note to 11. FKtED. 5 or i9 Harrison street, near Gay.
Pawn Tickets bought, aiso ladies' Wear. Address MKS. FRIED. Jy6-lm3 flAST-OFF WEARING APPAKEL. The highest cash prices paid for Men's Cast-oil Clotbing.GuES, Hevolver3, Watches, Jewelry, Old Gold and Silver, Musical Instruments, by calling or addressing a note to G.
COHEN, 6 and Harrison street, near Baltimore, stating when convenient to call. Pawn Tickets bought. N. B. Colt's Army and Navy Ke-volvers wanted; also Henry's and Spencer's Car-blues ar.
lUus. The above. Goods bold and Ei-chaneed. jyi-imt ffti WANTED A small HOUSE, five or six rooms. iifooa yara ana ary cellar, price trom tw to Ji.KiO.
Address D. H. Sun office. Locality must oe stated in auswer to this. Jyri-2t WANTED TO PUIICH ASK A PONX CHAlsE.
IIOKSK and HAUNES3. The horse must lie thoroughly warranted for gentleness, soundnt'ss and sifety, as it is reauired for an invalid lady to drive, Trice must be low. Address B. un otlice. jylS-S'? ATD TO REXT.
ANTED TO KENT Two or three KOOMS. fur- I nlshed. in a respectahlc neighborhood, iu the western or northwestern part of the city. Address uu omce. jl3-2t.
WANTED TO KENT By September 1st, two or 1 three UNFUKN1SHED KOOMS. located somewhere between Madison and Biddle sts. Address F. 138 North Charles street. JlS-of! A SINGLE GENTLEMAN wishes a PLEASANT KOOM in northern or northwestern section, near tha limits of the citj: references given.
July 10, 1871. WANTED A HOUSE suitable for the accommodation of Male and Female Colored Schools No. S. Location south of Pratt street and west of Han over street. For further particulars.
Inquire at this office. By order, jyll-eo-lt H. M. COWLE3, Sec'y. 70, WANTED TO BUY Lijl A HOUSE fn ths western or northwestern part tiie city or near the Kntaw Hoose.
J13-ct WASTED TO KENT From October 1st. for tiii three or live years, a moderate sized HOUSE, Willi modern improvements, in a central location. Addrert, elating terma. liOBEKT, offlce ot the f.un. J)-r-tt (I WANTED TO RENT A PLACE suitable for liiiithe liaw Oyter Paeking Addresa A.
TL.A Box S6S). Postofflce. Baltimore. Ul ot AKVIN'S COD LIVER OIL. YOU CAN iAna 11.
For sale by W. H. BKOWN BliOTHEK, and by FETH HANCE. -w. jeli-im-i 1-LFCTKIC INSECT POWDER.
BED-BUG EX-j TEKMINATOK, will destroy email Koacbes, Bugs. Fleas. Moths, Ants and other Jecte. Free from poison. 5 cents, bv mail SO ceiiU.
at LKAM i COH UKUG 8TOKB. No. 9S Nortb. tbarlei LING on Watson near High. Apply to JAS.
51 AKSBUKT. 61 South Broadway. J13-3f0 FOK SALE Two HOUSES on Jackson court, Kinear Itock street. yl3-8f T. N.
KEID. Agent, 70 Fayette Bt. FOK SALE OK KENT The desirable tiiree-Lliistory DWELLING, No. 282 West Lexington st. THOMAS HILL, J13-3t.
Fayette and St. Paul Btreetg. FOK SALE STOKE and DWELLING, neatly Jaiiiplanned, northeast corner of Pratt and Gough also a lot of old BK1CK. Owner can be fonnd at 85 FEN NSYLVANIA AVENUE. COTTAGE ON GOKSUCU AVENUE.
(Waver-Eiiley.) FOK SALE. Garden. Stable, Ac: good water; lot 75 by 100; price low half cash, balance-on time. PIEKKE C. DUGAN, 99 St.
Paul Bt. Jyl3-6tr YORK KOAD, three-quarters of a mile from WYi the citv. for sale, a new FRAME HOUSB and Corner Lot, of 3f of an acre. In fee. Terms JB.OOO one-nan casn.
tne oaiance on lime. Appiy to S3 North street. Jyl3-eoStt SALE AT A BAKGAIN The STOCK fillland FIXT0KES of an old-establiRhed BAKEKY and CONFECTION Eli in a central location, on a good thoroughfare: also suitable for any other good retail business. Satisfactory reason for Belling given. Kent reasonable.
Apply at the Son office. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE, at a sacrifice, HiiiilHOL'SE West Lombard street, west of Fremont, near Scott. Very low ground rent. Only 1U0, cash reauired. Good place for store, if wanted.
WILSON PULLEN, J13-2C 73 West Fayette second floor. 31 FOK SALE Mlil The Good-will. Fixtures and Lease of first- class kes TAU Kant, conducted on the European plan, or can ba used as a first-cla3S boarding house; situated on Baltimore Btreet, in one of the finest business locations in the city, the proprietor being compelled to retire on account of ill health. Inquire at lO WEST BALTIMOKE ST. Jyl3-St FOK SALE HOUSE No.
81 North Eden street, In nice order, with a side-alley, and, bydrant in the yard. The Lot is 13 feet by 57 feet inched the ground rent rnce l.wu. ALSO HOUSE 117 South Washington street, with donble two-story back building, side-alley, and water in the yard. Lot 15 by 80. The ground rent ioU.
Price 1,800. Apply to iyl3-3t B. CHAKLES. 129X South Broadway. MDESIKABLE FAKM F'OK SALE IS NOKTH CAKOLINA.
FOR SALE A DESIRABLE FAKM OF ABOUT 58 ACRES, ON THE LINE OF THE KA LEIGH AND GAS'I ON HAILKOAD. Thbeh Miles fbom thk Gkowing Towk of WeIi- ikjm. Nokth Carolina. This land lies well, is suited to the growth of corn, cotton, fruits and vegetables, and its resources properly developed by a skillful and industrious farmer would be very considerable. It has an Orchard of several hundred.
Apple and Pach Trees, and flourishing vines of the Scuppernoug and other species of Grape; also a large Garden, newly The improvements consist of a two-story FRAME DWELLING, of modern style, 20 by 40 feet, built in 1856. good kitchen detached, nearly new, large Stable and loft, log Corn Crib, and a weil of excellent water in the yard. The location is healthy. Asa place of residence there is none prettier in the neighborhood. The grounds dmmediately in front of the bouse enclosed as a yard or grove.
Borne two acres, more or less, slope gradually towards the main entrance gate at the county road, and are ornamented by not less than one hundred large forest Oaks, which afford a most delightful shade. The purchaser can obtain possession his fall, in time to make very preparation for next year's crops. For further information apply to JOHN l'ATTEKSON" 74 South etreet. FOK SALE A three-storv DWELLING, with iHitwo-story Hack Building, No. 89 1'EAiiL ST.
Inquire on the premises. jll-eoSt'o AT PRIVATE SALE A BLAC KSM ITIiTaND WHEELWRIGHT SHOP and DWELLING, opposite Point lane. KEEN MOUNT AVENUE. Best stand in city or connty. on Boundary avenue.
Gt; FOK SALE HOUSE on Gilmor street, fifth Aiilone irom Townsend two-story. Lot 20 by 157. Grouud rent $.1. Near Lafayette Market. Cars to run by the door.
Jyl2-2t OR SALE-HOUSE in eastern section of the iiliilL city wiir board out one-half, and give credit of ten -years on the other half if desired. Address BOARDER, Baltimore PoBtoffice. jH-co0to St A GKEAT SACRIFICE. will buy a Eiilsnug three-story HOUSE on Knssell street, near Fremont st reet, tl.OOO in the Building As3ocintion; ground-rent ii 50. Apply at 66 SHARP ST.
J12-'it! HOUSE AND STOKE No. ISO East Madison iiHiistreet, for sale: also small HOUSE on Madison alley. Can be bought at a bargain. Applv on the premises. 190 EAST MADISON ST.
'jyia-tit FOK SALE Two first-class built HOUSES, jla southwest corner of CAREY ST. and EDMOND-SON AVENUE, at low price and long credits. Inquire on the premises. Jll-4t. CSSi FOK SALE One of the most vaiuiiDle COUN-laililTRY SEATS in BalttfUore county, with from 20 to acres of land.
N. ROBINSON, corner oi St. Paul and Lexington streets. 'm3-3m FOK SALE II A A comfortable small jjkiilDWLLtNG. on McMechen No.
til; also one on Sehroeder st. near Lombard. Apply to D. HA R-VEY. corner George and Scaroeder 8t3.j3'!'Z-eo6t FOR SALE GREAT BARGAINS 11 HOUSE8 jaiilon Lanvale and Carey streets: three stories, with good back buildings.
Apply at once to HAINES sfe LOOEMANN. SliK St. Paul etreet, or at the Jyl2-5ft fps FOK SALE VERY CHEAP HOUSES One iailJiCorner Triuity and High streets in good repair, will make a good Boarding House: one on Barre near Sharp: one on Mulberry near Pine. Appiy to WM. MART TEN.
18 St. Paul at. jyl-eoSfi SS FOR SALE Larere DWELLING northeast BiUi corner of Hoilins and Strieker deep lot, with slue yard and Stable in rear. A barsain can be had in this property. JNO.
W. DODSON, No. 71 West F'avetle street. FOK SALE OK EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY Or Lumber for building purposea, a FAKM OF 37 ACRES, situated in Westmoreland county. Va.
For particulars apply at 76 PARK AVENUE. j7-0t. ffrti KAKE Any person wishing to en-iiiilgage in tbe Paper Hanging and Upholstering Business can purchase the Stock and Fixtures of a HOUSE in one ol the most desirable locations in the city. Inquire at the Sun otlice. JU-3t FOHSALE A three-story HOUSE, on the I3.north 6ide of Fayette street.
(No. SS'J.) between Fremont and Foripleton streets, also one on the rear. No. 171 Vine street, the whole nn ler only Mi ground-rent. Apply to GEO.
McE. 'IEAL. 139 West Baltimore street. jl2-0t! iS) FOR SALE OK KENT A HOUSE, with com-iuiiiPlete Fixtures of a Confectioner and Ice Cream business. Said property is situated in the most business oart of this ci.v.
Inouire at C.SMITH CONFECTIONERY, No. OS North Eutaw street. Jyiaat'j FOK SALE GKI5T MILL, In complete order. for mannfactnring Flour and Meal. Good water power, one hour's fide by rail from Baltimore, and live minutes' walk from a Station.
Will be sold cheap. F'or' further information apply to JAMICS BISCOEIT 1-9 West Pratt Street. jll-3t'j fS SALE A new HOUSE AND STOKE. 3 itialstories, well built and finished throughout. Contains gas, water, kitchen rasge.
grates, slate mantels, ninerooms. Store, and ceilnr. Good neighborhood. Price 4,000, i00 cash. fe9 WEST BAD-TIAIOKE STREET, jylO-Ct fj! FOR SALE A BARGAIN The Stocki Will.
Fixtures, and Lease of nearly four years, ot a first-class RESTAURANT, known as the STAR HOUSE. In a good location, doing a thriving business, and good reason for selling. Apply immediately at No. 418 WEST BALTIMORE STKEET, near Green. jl-Hi't FOK SALE A bnndsome three-story HOUSE, No.
344. chatsworili street, near Mosher. with haii. pantry, gas, water and bath; new. and built in most approved modern style.
Applv to JACOB F. FIZOXE. No. 478 North Fremont street, or W. W.
17 West Pratt street. Key at Shoe Store opposite. lylO-lnr ffe FOR SALE CHEAP One of those first-class HOUSES on Brune street, between George and Adams, west side, containing eight rooms, gas and water, also Summer Kitchen, front and side entrance on fifteen-foot alley, lot 14 by 70 feet. Ground rent 3 per loot. Price fl.OOO.
Terms easy. Apply to JOSEPH T. FLANTT, Jyig-jf 108 Pennsylvania avenue. f5 FOR SALE OK EXCHANGE FOK CITY' JbH-ii PROPERTY A FAKM. containing about ninety acres, in a high state of cultivation, splendidly improved, located about thirteen miles from the city on the Keistei stown road, and within one mile of the Western Maryland Kailroad.
F'ine Schools and Churches convenient. For further particulars apply at 313 WEST BALTIMOKE STREET. JO-eoGft FOK 6ALE On very reasonable terms, two iack Buildings, 17 feet front by 90 feet depth, situa ted on North Carey nearPresatman containing II rooms, with all modern improvements, subject to a yearly ground rent of t'W, payable half yearly. Apply to McFADDKN St HENNKICH3, 15 Cooke street. fTSft FOR SALE OK KENT iM DWELLING No.
243 WALSH STREET. 13 feel front. 13 rooms, parlor SO feet, dining-room 15 by 18 feet, and kitchen on llrst floor. Laundry and Bath, with hot and cold water, library and chambers, range, heating stoves and gas fixtures, all new, and of moosrn styles. All floors stained.oiled and waxed.
Lot 140 feet. Ground rent f3 50 per foot. Price or will rent to a careful tenant at GO per month. Inquire on the premises for further particulars; jiaijf gSJ F'OK SALE First-class FACTORY BUILD-iSa ING, 375 West Pratt street, lately nsed as Aerat-eollread Works, three stories and basement, perfectly lighted and ventilated, three fronts, lot 70 by 135 feet, main building 40 by SO feet. Boiler and Engine, good Stable; also adjoining lot 24 by 135 feet, twotenemeDt Houses on Pratt' street, large Stable fronting back 6treet.
Will be sold separate or together. Address D. B. FCLLER, 10 South FJigh-teenth street. Philadelphia.
jel5-eol2t0 f'- VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY AND WATER POWER FOB SALE. I offer for snle my valuable MERCHANT. MILL au WATER POWER, situated on Rock Creek, adjoining the cities of Georaetowa and Washington, District of Columbia. It is in every respect a Urst-class establishment, with all modern improvements for the manufacture of lour, with capacity of 150 with power sufficient to increase it to 200 bbls. per day.
Miller's House. attached. A handsome sad comfortable DWELLING can also be hud if desired. Apply to EVAN LYOSS, No. 55 Water street, Georgetown, Or to M.
BAN SON. jylO-'JawJf 32 St. Paul street, Baltimore. DESIRABLE FARM FOR SALE IN fcSH MINNESOTA. UJt FOI! SALE One of tbe most aesiraBle FARMS in the valley of the Minnesota, one mile and a half from the Salt Springs, in the flourishing town of Belie Piaine.
and two hours' ride by rail from St. Paul, The8bove contains 210 acres, mostly under cultivation, a combination rarely met with of prairie, timber and meadow, and is admirably adapted to erain or stock raHing. The improvements consist of a new FRAME DWELLING, commodious Barn and Outbuildings, two good Tenant Houses and a selected young orchard, just in bearing. The Farm is well watered, well fenced, and altogether one of the finest places In the Korthwet, and is worthy tbe attention of those wishing to purchase. For particn.
lars apply or address J. P. R. ai Sun fy FOR SALE 4 TUB WELL-KNOWN FAKM AND GENTLEMAN'S COUNTRY HOME. "CLOVER HILL," la is now offered for sale on very favorable terms.
It adjoins F'inksburg, Carroll county, one mile from the Station on the Western Maryland railroad, and is just twenty miles from Baltimore by the Keistrrstown turnpike, where the country Is noted for its high position, bracing and salubrious atmosphere. The arm consists of 303 acres, a large" bold stream, with tine water-power, runs through the entire place, and every held is watered with a running stream. The HOME DWELLING is of stone, spa-clous and well finished, with large airy rooms, high ceilings and ample porticos: it is well shaded and has running water-pipes tolhe kitchen door. It also has Stone FAKM HOUSE. BARN and DAIRY, ICE HOUSE.
Wash House, Gardener's House, three large Barracks and othpr necessary outbuildings. It has large PEACH, AI'PLETind PEAR ORCHARDS of over 1.000 Trees, in full bearing, and two large Fruit and Vegetable Gardens. In view of the great changes and extensions of the Western Maryland railroad, shortening the route and greatly facilitating is believed that thi, property offers as good a combination as can be found for a country home. Apply rOULTNKY. TRIMBLE 1 00 Wet Baltimore street, or Q.
B. M1LL1UAN, jU lgtl tasr Charts and Laniggtoatta a MiX SAMUEL J. SOPEit CO. FURNITURE. AT On FRIDAY (MORNING next, the 14th in6tant, at 10 o'clock, at Store No.
44 South Charles street, we shall sell a general variety ol New and Second-Hand FURNITURE, viz: Parlor Marble-top Tables, Tetes. Parlor Chairs, Lounges, Dressing and Plain Bureaus, Wainut Chamber Suits, Cottage Bedsteads, Cane and Wood ISeat Chairs, Matresses. Stoves, etc. SAM'L J. Jyl3-ts.
Auctioneers. A STALL IN THE OPEN SPACE OF i HOLLLNS-STREET MARKET 1 AT AUCTION. On ATUKDAT MOKNING NEXT, the 15th ot o'clock, at the Rollins-street Market, we shall pelt a very desirable and well -located OPEN SPACE STALL, No. 7, north side. SAMUEL J.
FLAVORING EXTRACTS. PATENT MEDICINES. ETC. We will sell at our Store, on SATURDAY MORNING, July 15th. 1811, at 10 o'clock, a lot of Salvage Goods from the late tire on Sharp street, comprising Gettysburg and Congress Water, Flavoring Extracts, Soaps, Blacking, olive Oil, Patent Medicines in variety, TREGO KIKKLAND.
We will sell on SATURDAY MORNING. July 16. commencing at 10 o'clock, at our Warerooins, 14 South Charles street, TEE ENTIRE EFFECTS OF A DEALEIi DECLINING BUSINESS, i Comprising Walnut and Cottage Chamber Suits, Kep and Haircloth Parlor F'nrniture. Bureaus, Wardrobes, Bullets. Bedsteads.
Matresses, Feather Beds. Refrigerators, Chandeliers, Lounges, Sofas, Desks, Chairs in variety. Extension Tables, Easy Chairs, Sates, The above to be sold without reserve for cash. ALSO. Several new and handsome Chamber and Parlor Suits.
Wardrobes, Buffets, Bookcases, 10 doz. Fancy Glass Vases. 10 gross Carving and Butcher Knives. -ALSO. To close consignment, 4 demijohns (4H gallons eachj pure Old "Hueus" Kye Whisky, made in 18S7.
TREGO KIKKLAND, Auctioneers, J13-tsJ 14 South Charles street. TREMENDOUS RUSH AT THE S3 AND BO CENT BAZAR. 124 NOKTH GAY STREET. Everything new. A million of rich fancy articles.
Vases, Elegant Jewelry. all for 25 and 50 cts. ltT rpo THE CITIZENS OF BALTIMORE AND THE JL PUBLIC GENERALLY. Bear In mind that the ORIGINAL CONFECTIONERY SALE of J. RALE is in no way connected with any others in the city.
SO PER CENT. BUY FOK CASH, at B. WASKEY'S, J12-gf No. 3 North Gay street. MiSd LOTTIE FOWLES.
THE TEST MEDIUM, is at the J12-6t" MANSION HOUSE. C-UT TOUR OWN STENCILS with the improved Dies, or have them cut at the U. 8. MFG. S7 West Lombard street.
Use Dorman's Patent Stencil Brush and improved Stencil Inks. jyl0-6tt FURNITURE! FURNITURE! ON THE INSTALLMENT PLAN, WEEKLY PAYMENTS. Having on hand a large assortment of all kinds of FURNITURE, we have determined to adopt the popular plan of Weekly Paymenta. jv8 7t E. MOUNT SON, 31 North Gay st.
"IARPETS. CARPETS, OILCLOTHS, MATTING, ETC. Weekly or monthly payments taken, at SPENCE'S, JyS-Trn'5 243 West Pi att street. C1AEPETS CARPETS From the CALVERTON -'Carpet a of Baltimore WORKS, wholesale and retail, at prices as low as can be found at any factories. Cash paid for WOOLS at the Depot and bales Store, No.
1 EAST BALTIMORE af the Bridge. Jyl-eo6t: Qf; (lfin ninety-five thousand tJO.KJUU. WINDOWS in Baltimore that need WINDOW SHADES can be supplied at METTEE'S, No. 42 North Eutaw street, between Lexington Market and Gutman's store, with Green, Bull and White Holland SHADES, for one dollar apiece. Also fine line of WALL PAPERS.
m25-eo2m. PERSONS DliSIHING TO DISPOSE OF SECOND-Hand Furniture, Carpets, Stoves. Feather Beds, Hair Mattresses and Household EUectsin General, will receive the highest prices by directing a note to D. WILFSON'S Furniture Wareroonis, 7 and S9 Harrison street, near Gay. jy3-lm ASK YOUR WASHERWOMAN if Bhe uses WAR-FIELD'S PATENT COLD WATER SOAP, and if she does not, you certainly ought to give your washing to one who does, for several reasons.
1st, It-is the only Soap that does away with the washboard, which wears out more clothes than actual usage. 2d, It makes the clothes whiter than any other soap can make them. 3d, There is nothing in its composition that can in any way injure hands or clothes of any kind. And the washerwoman ought to use it, because it eave3 half the time, more than half the labor and ail the fuel, and enables her to get rid of all the heat in the house in summer and the steam in winter. Try it.
Ask your Grocer lor it. Sold by Grocers generally, and made by HASKELL, LYON Je 16-lm 33 South Eutaw street. Baltimore IALTTMOKE 1 WEEKLT SUN." THE OLD FAVORITE OF THE PEOPLE. WITH ITS XEWS AND LI TEH A TURE COMBINED. THIS STANDARD JOURNAL, Celebrated as the CHEAPEST FIRST CLASS FAMILY NEWSPAPER KNOWN, Continues to maintain its high character and popu lai'ity as a NEWS AND LITERARY' JOURNAL BY ITS ADnETlENCETO PRINCIPLE, MODE ATI ON AND TKUTH, IT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF TIME.
POFl'RY, WIT. HUMOR, SCIENCE AND ART, AND GENERAL VARIETY, THE MARKET RE-Po'eTS OF TI7E WEEKLT SUNAHE COMPLETE AND RELIABLE, Embracing lour. Grain and other Proouce, Live stock and Cured Aleuts, COAL AND PETROLEUM. COTTON AND TOBACCO, GROCERIES AND DRY GOODS, and all other STAPLE AND MISCELLANEOUS COMMODITIES Every improvemeutof modem Journalism by which It Is distinguished will be maintained, and suca attention be given to its several departments as wiil iusui their continued interest, and whatever maybe necessary to render tiieui more complete will not be lost sight of. 3 Through no other medium can families and iadiv duals be so well supplied with proper literature, and a full kuowledge of the world's whole news, from week to week.
THE LOW PRICE OF THE WEEKLY SUN RENDERS IT AVAILABLE TO ALL CLASSES. NOW ANDHEKEAFTER It will contiuueits best efforts as a first-class News and Literary Journal. TERMS, CASHlk ADVANCE: For One Copy for Six Months or $1 00 For One Copy for One Year 150 Club of Six Copies, One Year 8 00 Club of Twelve Copies, One Year lg TO Club of Fifteen Copies. One IS Club or Twenty Copies, One 00 Club of Twenty-five Copies, One Year 2o 00 Club of Thirty-live Copies, One year 35 00 Parties, then, should get up CLU BS in their towns. Villages and neighborhoods, ahd thus secure the advantage of these very low rates.
The regular diffusion of the light and intelligence which such a Journal affords will be a moral and social advantage in any neighborlio INDUCEMENT To those parties getting ud Clubs for THE WEEKLT SUN. we will mail hereafter to the address of any one sending us from one Postotfice, at one time, A CLUB Or" TWELVE SUBSCRIBERS An extra copy Weekly Sun, gratis, for one year; for a CLUB OF TWENTY SUBSCRIBERS We will send a copy of The Daily and Weekly Son for six months; for a CLUB OF TWENTY-FIVE SUBSCRIBERS We will send a copy of The Daily Sun for one year, and to the Bender of a 4 CLUB OF THIRTY-FIVE OR MORE We will mail both The Daily and Weekly Sun for one year. A. S. A BELL Publishers Of the Weekly Sun, southeast corner Of Balltlmnra and SQUUl atrftnta- Baltipy'yd SI CATION WANTED A rtl'Jli MAN wiiiinj to make himself I cra tjeiul anything: can write a tmHtr.ess hand and is tfiorouguj quick at Addrefc M.
Sun office. rst-eiaas tigares. jli-'Jf. Al OUNG LADY', of good En jlib education, desires a Situation as GOVEKNEHS in a private 'famitv, or a position as MUSIC TEACHErt In a School. Best of reference.
Address Perry-frnansvilie, Ilorford county, MJ. JU-eot 1-ADT. of well experienced in TEACIL-'A IKS ENGXISTI, MUSIC ahd FKENCH, wlshe to make an tn; ijement for the ensuing Schofastio vSesuiom bhe will be satisfied with moderate terms, iBrst references s'Vuu. Address V. Sun office, ilialtimore.
JI2-iit. filTANTED Hv aS-mthern Lair. Situation in a rV t-t'HOOL or PK1VATE FAMILY. She has 8 years experience In teacntng. Can instruct in tlie English branches.
iliiematics, Latin, S'renclt anil Mu-ic. Bes reference given. A.ldresi fJ-JT. Jio.1 W. Baltimore st.
t-l-t'S BOARDING. KVKIM GEN TLKMEN can be nccommodated Willi A it I atA iSLITil jyiS-3f? ilVATK FAMILY A handsome second 'X story Front Koom. w.tli Terms reasona- 3)ie. 4- -A near Madison. )W-at' fukmshsd kooms.
with or without J. 1 BO.YKD. or for Hoasekeuning. No. 31 NOiiTU JiUTAW ST.
ROOMS, with KENT Two wen-furefslied 'J: good fit WhSTFAl ETTESTKEET, to reiinble Bosrdcrs. iyl3-3tt ZiOOD BOAiiD.on vei'y moderate terms, is offered KJ to a res ie Llf. who is willing to share a room with aootiter lady boarder. Aduitai "6. Eun otlice.
lt5 Hli KENT F.irnl-he 1 FlidST KOOMS. With gas t.vs with or witnout ltOAKD. on the most ierui. at rtAlWUT HOL'SK, corner of are and it. Paul sts jlS-fjt: IUKN isn 1 ott UEST-To Gentiemeii Vila or without BOAKD.
at No. 107 CAMDEN STHEET. Kefrence given and required. jlo-St! A FEW GENTLEMEN caa he accoiwuodated wtih Sn.tiie and Double and good 1IJAAI'. Til1-.
1U UVU.C. i. Apply at S. E. SKSTi.
Jil3-14ft COKNEi: LEiiNGiON AND PA1 rTfcNTLEMKNarid their Wives and Single Gentie-J men can have K. HiMS ami BOAKD by applying tit 199 WEST FAYETTE opposite tne High fcchool. Also Trashiest and Table'" BOAiiDING IH K1NG SUMMKK. large grounds, pare mountain air. Chalybeate and S.ilj bur Wats.
MKS. A. J. MiEKS, Orkney H.rings P. Va iKNTLEMEN AND TliHllt WIVES can be ac-KjX commodate with SCMMEK BOAKD, In a pri-wate fauiily.
on the York road, three niiies from tbe city. TLe house is locited In a beautiful grove and tias very fine water. 3.. Sun office. J13-itfj fpilK UNDEK-ilGNED.
having rented the Farm of WiiSeron 'lavlor, five and a hair miics oa the Hillen road, is nrpard to accoraii.o.late SUMMEK BOAUDKKS. Gentlemen can hav conveyaace lo ana lrom the Cars, morning and evening, Apply on the premises to -l Jylilt' KOCEKT J. KOTSTQV. fPUE MOe COMFOUTABLE ACCOMMODA TIONS for Permanent and Trar.sient lionrdcrs (nay be had by aptVuoatlon at No. 53 LEXINGTON corner oi Charles.
Jyll-lmV KOOMS FOR REXT. cw TWO NICE KOOMo. BAKU STKEET. No. EAST lo'i- jl3eo2t rniiKEE COMMUMCATiNG KOOMS, suitable for llonsekeeping.
on second floor, with gis and water, hall entrance. 20 AIsQUITH STKEET. Jf. BENT Two neatly FUKNISHED KOOMS on third Hoor, as Gentlemen's Lodging Kooms. water and gas.
ia a private family, at No. 3 ISOKTH LIBaKTY STKEET. 'jyl3-4f KENT TO GENTLEMEN 10 FKONl a' rfX)MS, in the fourth story. No. Bo 1.1K ST.
(ias. batb-room and water-close: on same f.oor. Kent eacn per munui. xi.ey i ciw Co. 6.
JIS-tAl'i. KEN T- -NeatlV FL KN'ISHED KOOMS. for Gent, at 210 NOKTH HOWAKD 61. CH KB WEEK KHI XICELT FUKNIPH-Q L.OU ED KOOM3. at 16g GEKMAS ST.jU-St'4 SWK EKNT Four nice KOOMS on second floor.
with water. Apply 830 WEST. LEXINGTON etreet. above Pearl. jyl0-3fo FOS KENT Central location, pleasant 'JtX sleeping apartments for single gentlemen; terms reasonable.
Address J. Snn ofSce. 'STOOMSFOK KENT TO GENTLEMEN. WITH-li OUT BOAKD. Apr' ''J0? vifuuiauii'ii nrrfiM FOli KENT, on first floor.
A. private entrance, pleasant and cool. cntrally lo- 1 eated. Apply at tne Sun office. 312-3t A FOK KENT VV KKATXY FCKNISHED KOOM.
to a Single tVentleman. Jn a private family, with use of gas. LOMBAKU SIlsltBn, near uoeriy. jy lyw; ifcoB BKNT To Gentlemen Lodgers, one or two KOOMS. with the comfort of a EiraimllT.nil TBI and RUN DAY MEALb.
if Cealrwi. daring the auramer months, and one KOOM 1,mii0a I i 1 1 I'll All- iel.a-lui' fif nil mtmm i.