28 THE SPOKESMAN-REV1EW Jan. 1, 1980, Spokane, Wash. 307 TECHNICAL PROFESSIONAL Continued 307 TECHNICAL PROFESSIONAL Continued 315 SALESPEOPLE 355 SERVICES. COMMERCIAL HOME, MISC. Continued REMODELING 426 STOVESFIREPLACES Continued Angq111.11p1110WWINglagoOla10,4.,-,....
430BUIL0IN0 MATERIALS Continued 450 MISCELLANEOUS-. FOR SALE Continued 472 MACHINERY INDUSTRIAL Continued 114www4410111.010"PqratimorrimMIPIkAmmoNtir-1. oversoprigtosompotovervvimmemnewooromma---- Zbi THE SPOKESMAN-REV1EW Jan. 1, 1980, Spokane, Wash. 35,5 426 STOVESFIREPLACES ZUZaciAL, HOME, MISC.
I '430BUILDINO MATERIALS 450 MISCELLANEOUS-. 472 POR SALE Continued Continued Continued Continued 307 TECHNICAL I 307 TECHNIC 1315 SALErorPLE Continued PROFESSIONAL PROFESSIOALNAL 111 Continued Continued REMODELING SPECIALTY INSULATION E2626 Trent Ave. 535-0666 TOP quality cedar shakes. Delivery available Local mill 792.2535. 2X4, 2X6 WIDER LUMBER Elmer Hayes 776 2616 SPECIALTY INSULATIO E2626 Trent Ave 535 0666 NEXPER.
licensed salespeople. ten. fury 21, Alpha Ome 9a Rity, 466-S244. FAST GROWING screen printing In. dostry.
Commission Draw. 534-1709. Drywall, new basement re. modeling. bathrooms, kitchens.
acoustical ceilings, complete services. Evenings, 972.2759. MODERN MACHINERY CO. East 4412 Trent SOO 535-1654 In Stock Good Selection NEW 'MILLER TRAILERS MALSBARY CLEANERS, WACKER COMPACTORS MODERN MACHINERY CD, LAYRITE FIREPLACE WAREHOUSE insulated Chimney pipe FtrepliKe insertS Air Tight Stoves Masonry Fireplaces Zero Clearance Fireplace Monarch Add-a-Furnace MANY OTHER ACCESSORIES MON-FREII-S E1225 Trent SAT 8-7 535-2421 LAYRITE FIREPLACE 445 STAMPS, cos. HOB WES REMODELING 2 HUGHES Atr West Va Eau Cons.
640 ea. 848-2137 or 247-2167. 4 HUGHES A11499E51' Va Form 640ea. 328-5294 '60 DODGE 5400. 6'48 Wit trir $300: 14, 19 5" tireatwhis.
928-5520 AIR Nest 030624-3602. ANTIQUE steamer trunk $125924-6180. HUGHES fare coupons 032, 484-5793. PCOL table, stood cond SISO. 924-4556.
1 HUGHES "a Fare, 040, 535-1117 2 AIR WE ST cons, $30 ea. 326-2707. 4 HUGHES coupons, S30 ea. 535-8498 4 HUGHES Fares S38ea. 466-9424 6 HUGHES 455 9159 6 2 HUGHES Par Wes' 4,2 fia Cons.
40 ea 83S 2137 or 241 2167 400 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CLEARANCE SA LE Save $500 to $2000 Don't buy any organ or piano until you check out our low. low prices! Select from Ste inway Chickering, Kohler Campbell, H.heiller etc. and Thomas "Color Go" organs. Some with harmonizers. Good selechon.
Don't Wait! ACCOUNTING office manager wanted tor NYSE local office; Responsibilities include accounts payable rm. counts receivable. general ledger general accounting. Prefer RA degree with emphasis in accounting -0, lyear accounting experience. Salary commensurate with qualifica bons.
Ekcellent benefits package. Call Joe tor an appointment. 916-loos Equal Opportunity Employer. ATTENTION RN'S, move to the banana belt receive lop wages. Full time relret RN for graveyard shill.
beautiful clean 11 bed nursing home, privately owned. E0E. Prosser, 1-186 3111 Grandview. 1-882-2400 S2.000 unsorted silver coins. $39,500 or best otter.
Send inquires to Box C-33 'othiL paper. BUYING stamps-coins. Highest prices paid. 32724IS, 10-5pm Tues thru Sat WILLING to trade U.S. silver tor Krugerands, or will sell 1.547-3211.
LEARN LAND SALES Training program starting now. Large inventory available, no listing required, Excellent commission splits earning potential. Call keth Zornes tor confidential interview. FRONTIER LANDS.INC. 325-2S61.
NEW ATHLETIC CLUB Aggressive closers, salesmen saleS women. High commissions. Call Mike, anVime, 624-4228 COAL--. WOOD HEAT BASEMENTS I Aoni TioNs lICHENS BATHS Cajun Cont. Co.
466-S310, 924-0776 Complete Remodeling Carpentry, painting, firepliKe sold installed, bath kifctien storm window sold installed, drywall, pa. perhanoino. Lic, Bond. Eves 624-6441. Thermoguard Insulation Quality for over 25 Years PHONE 924-5000 448 CAMERAS A EQUIPMENT SQUIRES 452 FOR RENT MILL BLOCK ENDS CORDWOOD FOR FIREWOOD We Deliver tt-Haul MOORE PERM A MULCH Market iL Hawthorne Rd.
456-7800 "The Quality Store" 326335S open 9:306 closed Sun. "Top of the Hat" N.Division MAST M800 enlarger, tine 0 3Smm to 2,4,104 enlarger made, a Cadillac ma-. chine. New factory guarantee cess. $300.
624-3748. FUJICA (over 1900 of equipment) sell for s375 838 8056. CHAIN saws, log splitter, pumps, genii erator, trenchers, tractors, compreS oars, horse trailers Power Tool Renal E7311 Sprague 914 04 rS0 AVIONICS TECHNICIAN needed for well.equipped aircraft facility Must have aircraft avionics exp 8,, 2nd clan FCC radio-telephone torense FM portable radoo exp. preterred Military exp. welcomed.
Willing to travel. Send resume to; Evergreen Helicoptors 'NC. 3 Mole Lane, McMonnvolle, OR 97128 FOE NURSE Aide. Garden Terrace W424 1 7th EOE NURSE Practitioner Nurse Midwife. certified, full-time, doctors office.
Boise. ID. good pay fringe benefits. Send resume to Box C-24 this paper. OCC UPATIONAL Physical Therapist, 0.T.
preferred. Send resume to Spokane Guilds School, 5412 Bernard. Spokane, VVA 9920i. Phone 624-2265 OPPORTUNITY moo to IMO per me. guaranteed to start depending on qualifications.
Serviting established income protection accounts. NO sales experience necessary. Expense paid training. Hospitalization profit sharing. Must be sports minded, high School graduate.
legal age, own car. Call for interview- Jack Zoepti 326-5577 January 2nd 8, 3rd tam-Som Equal Opportunity Employer PHYSICAL THERAPIST Opening for part time registered -Physical Therapist Facility has heavy emphasize in rehab including multi-disciplinary team approach. Varied patient load. Experience or interest elderly desoreable. FOE.
Inquire at Southcrest Cone Center. 450-8300. PHYSICAL THERAPIST Days part- time SPOK ANE VALLEY GENERAL HOSPITAL 12605 Mission 924-665C PRE-SCHOOL TEACHER: An opening for certified special education teacher wipre-school Send resume to Spokane Guilds School. S412 Bernard, Spokane, WA 99204. Phone 624-2265 450 MISCELLANEOUS-.
FOR SALE 453 MISCELLANEOUS- WANTED PRIME LARCH Good Clean Burn, Satisfaction GLItir anteed, S70 Cord, Spill delivered. 406-8254707 Collect. DELIVERED 48 HRS Pine mix, SW cord. Split, seasoned Tamarack, S80cord. 466-8918 anytime PRES-To-LOGS 60 cash S.
carry $it) 00. One unit-240 logs 966 00. For del. price cal1674-2233. 140 kversde.
SPOKANE PRES-TO-LOGS WANTED SALE SCHOOL DESKS TAX CLEARANCE SALE Until END of the YEAR New Used BALDWIN, CONN, GULBRANSEN HAMMOND, IMBALL, LOWRE THOMAS, WURLITZER OTHERS SSAVE SSAVE SSAVE SS.II;VE SAVE TALLMAN'S NORTH N7577 Monroe 3711-0157 APPLIANCES Frig, Range, Freeter, Washer, Dryer. Working or not. 3255783. Newpapers-Corrugated boxes. Alurninum cans- Spokane Recycling buys One stop- instant CASH.
E.3407 Main (iblk West of Freya) 535-0284. Open Mon thru Sat noon NEW YEAR-NEW CAREER OPPORTUNITY You may have been reading this ad for the last 2 years because we've been running it regularly. Come in and let me tell you some of the fine things that have happened to the pert-pie that have answered this adt I NEED 2 PEOPLE Start immediately WHAT I have to offer is no gimmick. I need two men to help me op. orate an insurance office in the Spokane area for a National Company.
OFFER a Fine career for the right person in sales, service management No experience necessary Will train the right person. INCOME While training, high commission thereafter, exceptional retirement fringe benefits. REGARDLESS of the type of work you have been doing, it you are ambitious, want a true career A fine income, are of good character right legal age, you might be the right person. DO NOT let your natural reluctance toward the usual insurance ads pre. vent you from seeing what I have to show you, You will find it eye-opening refreshing.
For an wt. call Ron Anderson, 489-0701, Wed-Thurs CUSTOM PAINTINGDECORATING! Father. Son, 30-yrs eke, interioriexterior. Also, wood furniture rein. Done at low Fall 'Win rates.
Good referenc es. 926-801, 3286237. FREE FREE! FREE! Estimates On your additions, remodeling, concrete work. Sunflower Conttruction. 291-6181 Local.
GARAGES AND SHOPS Erection Crews Available Now Licensed, Bonded and Insured PT Cons, Co. 489-7454 REMODELING COMPLETE SERVICE Custom homes. We specialize In new decks. Spokane Builders Inc. 466-6818.
REMODELING SPECIALS Kitchens baths. Cabinets, flooring 8. tile. Construction. Licensed-Bonded.
SEASONED wood, buckskin tamarack, yeilow pone, other wood, SS and up per pickup load, from Chewelah area, call 6-8am, 11 I Ipm, I4374723. EILICASKiN tamarack, split, delivered and stacked. MO full Cord, 484-5199 anytime. OUT THEY GO! Special Pre-Inventory Reduction RINKS Spray Equipment Airless, Conventional, Parts vice. Come in Spokane Compressor Co.
1214 Sprague 535-1671 CLARK SK UDDERS, BOBCAT LOAD- ERS, CASE BACKHOES and CRAWLERS, PRENTICE LOADERS. Call LEWISTON EQUIPMENT, 743-8567; CDA (208) 667-154 DROTT 40ER Log Loader Arthur BOWER MACHINERY CO. E4625 Trent Spokane 535-1744 DEERE 3010 Ldr-Hoe. Farm Home Supply POMEROY, WASH. (509) 843339S EVANS ENGINES EQUIPMENT E6I I Sprague 838-2521 New and Used Terex, Kochring, Champion, Euclid KOMATSU SALES SERVICE ANDREWS EQUIPMENT, INC E4S20 Trent 5354604 TD 18-181 series, canopy, angle blade 8: winch.
Ready to work. 58500. Also 1971 Drott 40, crawler back hoe, A-1 cond. 2 buckets, $16,000. 3251804.
We sell used parts for tractors We buy used tractors for parts. Noreen Parts Equipment N9423 Market D4C Caterpillar dozer, enclosed protective canopy, new paint, sacrifice. $8950. Best offer. 1.765-9527.
FUEL tank, 1260 gal, 4 crimper', with or without pump A meters, 276-2828 days. 276-6648 eves ask for JOHN DEERE MC blade wmanual angle. Good condition. S39S0 I-457-6056. NEW used parts tor CAT tractors BYRNE MACHINERY CO.
E4030 Trent 534-0555 All sizes of grouser bar.Custom Track Service. 535.1661. Trent. AMERICAN MACHINE CO, INC. WIO26 Broadway 325-2591 BOBCAT Loader, new motor, 5' Rocket, 52500 328-3536 838-4046.
CUMMINS diesel engine. 555-V8 power unit. $3000. 928.0535. EQUIPMENT LOCATORS RICHLAND, WA.
1-946-0201 FORM trailer complete snap tie sys tern wiforms shoes, 467-0975. INTERNAT'L 500C Crawler Dozed 6- Way Blade, exc cond. 928-9413. Lathes, Mills, Drills, Vises, Toolboxes Bixby Mach. W225 Indiana 325-3753 S-8 SKIDDER WCargo Winch, 7 new tires.
1800 hrs. 517,000, I-509-8261645 WESTMONT TRACTOR CO. 1978 CASE 850B 6-way angle blade, 147C total firs, $40000. 1-935-8023. PAINTING NEEDED $20,000 of used furniture by the piece, houseful.
complete estate. Three Way Furniture, 489-6454 TREES; We buy, sell and transplant 15 to 25 ft. tall trees. Want to buy 6,12 diameter trees FOR LANDSCAPING. 1-208667-1983, 8 AM 12 NOON.
PAYING top cash for 12 year old Newer appliances. Working or not. We haul. Family Appliances. 928-2151.
WANT TO BUY. old bass drum, old string bass, doesn't have to work, also mounted fish elec tram, 747-6124. CASH FOR DIAMONDS GOLD 838-1225-Dealer SLOT Machines, highest prices pd. any cond. After 6pm.
TOP CASH PAID for refers, freezers turn. Crestline Furn. 487-2663. USED wheel weights, lead, etc. 7am to 5 pm.
928-2730 WANT Air West Coupons, $20 each, 535- 8498 Used Baldwin Acrosonlc piano reg. S1295, now $995 Conn Caprice organ reg. 53995, now $3295 CONN STAR SERIES ORGANS! Starbrite reg. 91995, now 61375 Start lite. $2795, now $2095 SAVE up to $700.
Now at DAVIS HOSCH MUSIC N1506 MONROE 326-9060 B.S.DEGREED Openings to $36,000 FEE PAID For further information call BILL 624- .1281 PERSONNEL UNLIMITED CLIENT advocate positions with the YWCA Battered Women's Program: Shelter Workers; Education Outreach Liasons; Batterers Project Researcher. In service training provided. Requires inter-personal S. problem solving skills. Must be CET1i qualified, Apply at CETA Assessment Center, E2202 Sprague.
COMMUNITY Services Director, $1299 per mo. Demonstrated experience in grantsmanship. administration, plan- ning, S. budgeting S. personnel man- agement.
Direct staff supervision. Complete resume with 2 letters of rec- ommenclation. Grant County Commu City Action Council, KM W. 3rd -Ave, Moses Lake, WA 911837. Closing 'date 5 pm, Jan 15, 1980.
E0E. CRISIS interventionoutreach worker, MSW or equivalent direct case experience or BA in Social Sci'ences 2-yrs crisis intervention related experience Shift work, 24hr ser. vices provided. for families' youths in 'crisis. Washington State drivers iicense, own transportation, crisis tervention experience required.
DOE. EOE Send resume IL refs to Youth Help ASS11, Jean Lemley, WI Park Rd, Spokane, 9920e. DATA PROCESSING Call for your Free 1980 Computer "alarv Survey. Source EDP. 6387877.
PENTAL receptionist or office manager, Southside, salary open. 455-9044. DIRECTOR OF NEW YEAR NEW CAREER Great for ell ildrens Room Make great Christmas GittS School District Surplus Like New inexpensive value Priced to fight inflation CALL 922-1112 E.10914 46th in Ponderosa in Valley off Mica Oishman EVERYTHING Goes! Couch, chair, deabed, end tables, refrigerator, freezer, table chairs; TV, stereo, beds pictures, tools, dishes, Avon bottles, motorcycles Tr-Sport, mi. crowave, French Provincial chest, washer dryer, 3 business signs, new rebuilt Pontiac 400 engine, service station equipment supplies, misc. tires.
Much morel! Call collect, 1-208- 6671303. RECONDITIONED.GUARANTEED 18" Zenith, portable, color $139 19" RCA, portable, color $139 23" RCA color, console $100 23" Zenith, new RT. S195 Many Colors Sets To ehoose grom 19" S49 ACME TV 17fl Sprague 535-4121 CASH for Christmas Trees! To introduce you to our 1980 models we will pay $2.00 each tor your old Christmas Trees! Bring them to Anderson Subaru, E6614 Trent, Spokane. Offer good through Jan 15. 1980.
Swivel Office Chairs Selection, From S09.50 4 Dr. Full Suspension Files .099.50 OK Furniture. W417 1st TOURNAMENT SOCCER CLOSE OUTS Millonciollar Foos brown top 9' SPECIAL $299, Follett Music S114 Madison 624-3344 20-20 COATS Super Star tire changer, air lack, arc welder, hoses nozzles, kerosene space heater, tire racks, 3 business signs (7 reader-board type), much more miscellaneousl Call ALDRICH Upright Piano $SW. Fender amplifier A speakers, $300, with guitar $350. Small guitar, $50.
Childs guitar amplifier, 6100. AMOire, $125. 5341815. WANTED: Captains or mates bed. In 900d condition.
466-17541. WANTED Used Film, appls 8, Misc. Cash Paid Joe's 926-6525 WANT to buy Christmas tree orna rents made before 1940 535-7437. Career opportunity with a major Northwest Real EState firm. Opportunity for personal proles sional growth.
Outstanding pre-licensing training. Exceptional company backing with co-located mortgage processing. Unlimited personal freedom to grow learn at your own pace. For a personal confidential inter. view, contact Lou Hill 535-6161.
Central Office E701 3rd 534-6161 -Open 7 Days Sherwood An Equal Opportunity Employer NOW INTERVIEWING 328-9170, Century 21- Better Homes Props. PART-TIME Sales Help. Maternity Apparel. Experience preferred. 924-5175 REAL.
ESTATE sale position open, experienced or inexperienced. Contact Bud Clow 928-7450 or 928-3662 anytime for a confidential interview. ASSOCIATED BROKERS, 455 ANTIQUES MUSIC CITY Inventory Sale New and Used Pianos and Organs Grand Piano Chickering S359! Wurlitzer Spinet Piano $995. Baldwin Howard Write. 689! Baldwin Used Organs.
Baldwin Fonmachine $995. Baldwin Interlude. Nice Model 72L Baldwin Organ $595. BALDWIN HAMMON ALLEN WURLITZER First Monroe Downtown 8384312 N6502 Division By K-Mart 489-5962 University Cntr in Newberrys 926-8644 Many Used Pianos Uprights, spinets consoles. StUdiel, tuned tip, ready for delivery Tallmons in the Valley E10812 SPRAGUE 924-4152 CASH for Christmas we need used pi, anos We pay top cash dollars for used pianos.
We appraise pianos Music city 830 8312. PROGRAMMERANALYST Welt established computer Service 1 corporation, providing both hard-I wore data processing services to a national market, has immediate opening. This position is responsible for meeting sottware development needs tor our business oriented systems. 2 yrs programming exp. with emphasis on IBM 360 or 370 DOF system preferred.
Working knowledge of COBOL structured programming concepts Company provides excellent fringe benefit package plus excellent work location. Send confidential resume to Box C-13 care of this newspaper EOE PROJECT MANAGER for the improved child health project. Duties: Must have accounting knowledge, is responsible tor all project moneys, coordinates staff with various state federal agencies, works to promote the improved health of Indian children, prepares all reports as required by the prolect, keeps health board members informed of projects active, ties. Qualifications: A degree in business administration or masters degree In health related field Must be bondable, have a valid Idaho drivers license, willing to travel, must have experience ability to work with Indian people, experience in data collection analysis. Salary range per year.
To apply Submit resume to Constance Wafters. Northern Idaho Indian Health Board, PO Box 367, Lapwai, ID 83540 Most be available for interview, Deadline" January 10, MO RESUMES that get good jobs. 23 exp. Spk. Business Aide.
326-7003. RN, CHARGE NURSE, part-time, 3-11' Shift. or LPN, part-time. Apply at Alderwood Manor, E3600 Hartson RN or LPN part-time 3-11PM. Contact Hawthorne Manor, 466-0411.
RN. Parttime nights, 838-8233. Garden Terrace Manor EOE DRY, split Tamarack, SSOcord. Dry, split fir, $70. You-split fir, 55; Tamarack, $65.
Call 928-3692. EXCELLENT Buckskin Tamarack, split delivered stacked, SOcord, 208263-6967. EXCELLENT Seasoned Tamarack Fir Mixed, Split Delivered, 1170 Cord. 466-1395 after SPM. PRIME seasoned Tamarack, 875.
Birch. $90. 12 or whole cords. Split, del. Avail.
immed. 747-9276 or 747-0813. TAMikRACK, S7S, green birch. $90; split delivered. Same day delivery.
448-0673. BEAUTIFUL Buckskin Tamarack, split delivered. 238-6594. BEAUTIFUL buckskin tamarack. Cut, split del, S75 per cord.
926-4062. BdEeliT, ebruerdn I arcnulok2eodr fl 1'4 split 8. BUCKSKIN Tamarack. $75 full cord. $70 for 3 or more.
926-2304. Cedar S45cord. Buckskin tamarack (208) 448 1719, (208) 448-2149. CHOICE Red Fir, $65. Ponderosa, $60.
CS Del. 924.8422 CHOICE seasoned tamarack fir. Quick delivery, $75 cord, 487-1996. DRY pine U-Haul $45. $50.
487-5420. DRY Red Fir, cut delivered, $65 cord, 747-0052. FIREPLACE wood. Tamarack, fir, pine, $75 a cord, 534-4393. FIREWOOD, all kinds, 24 Hr.
Delivery. 4434-6414 or 466-9246. FIREWOOD, Aspen $55; Pine $45. De-, livered. 1496-2185, 484-5708.
FIREWOOD, Birch Pine from cord. 1-239-4412. FIREWOOD For sale. 926-6978, split delivered. LOG SPLITTER 327-8644 MIXED Fireplace Wood.
You haul. $45, Delivered, 555. 297.2519. NEW Year's Special, Hardwood, Fir, Tamarak, etc. 466-8058.
SEASONED Buckskin Tamarack, split del. $75 a cord. Anytime, 535-7929. SEASONED Ponderosa Pine, Cut Delivered, S50 cord, 747-0052. TAMARACK fir, $65, 375cord, cut, split, delivered.
489-9466; 489.5800 seasoned Pine, full cords, cut delivered. 299-4982. 430 BUILDING MATERIALS Gibson's Antiques and Custom picture framing DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY 11 UNTIL 5 South 620 Washon9ton 476 MACHINERY-. WANTED Quality silver plating, copper, brass plating, polishing, buffing, and expert restoration. We polish wheels.
0081773.3541 Post Falls; Ida. ENGLE'S Flea Market, N9014 Division, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 10-5 pm HAPPY NEW TRENT TRADER BURR good shape. RI 2, boa 438, Deer Park 4 2711 480 PETS PIANOS Bought, tuned rebuilt. Free est. male.
Grand Piano expertise. Piano Exchange, Rte 1, Box 283, Rathdrum, ID, 83858, RECORDING STUDIO Demos'records, MEDIA DYNAMICS Industrial Park. 509-924-1513 Top Cash For Pianos Music City 838-8312 DOG OBEDIENCE Hilt 8. Dale Dog Trainers Club with more than 25 years experience offers to weeks of dog obedience classes tor All dogs welcome. Puppy RECONDITIONED GUARANTEED WASHERS DRYERS REFERS RANGES DISHWASHERS FREEZERS FRED'S N2525 Monroe 329-3124 Wanted Aluminum Beverage Can 24c 113.999 lb.
Lots under 1000lb. Lots over PACIFIC HIDE FUR DEPOT N1114 Ralph St.Spokane,Wa,5351673 20 CHAIRS We have 20 good used swivel, arm oft. Ice chairs. From 137. Three Way Furniture N5201 Market NURSING SERVICES Manor, 53S--2011 pIRECTORSHIP Individual wanted to coordinate a residential -treatment rbciari aLrell utrtrs.dtsvuet etdo rrnecluf ds -gram development, staff supervision 'A client contact.
Bachelor's Degree in xia Social Service related field re. Master's preferred. Salary approximate, per yr. Send' re. to In Cities Residential Ser.
80S Williams Richland. 99357. 509.943.1456. LNGINEER IV (Plat, Utilities Drain -age Administreration) I S700 per month projected plus benef its) Civil kEngineering degree required, P.E. II preferred.
Pertorms level engineering, administrative management and supervisory work. Experiencew in these areas required. Contact Human Resources -Rm. In Sno. co.
Courthouse, Everett, 'WA 98201. EDE. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR VDU HAVE- Planning Capabilities Public Relation Skills Solid Management Expertise SCounty health Agency seeks a qualified Director with experience in fund raising and patient services. Sal- 'ary commensurate with adeptness. Send resume to Executive Committee MS 'o P.O.
Box Yakima, WA. 98907 REAL ESTATE SALES DOWN? Need some holdover income for about 4 months? Independent Contractor commission saies4100day Full time Only. Call RENICHEK 747-4515. Real Estate Salesperson wanted Bob Hallett Assoc 9284761 REAL ESTATE We need an ambitious, well motivat. ed licensed salesperson for our grow.
Ing staff. Experience helpful but not required. Our training program is thorough, effective, can be tailored for your needs. Excellent potential tor advancement. Call 320-5420.
EVES, JERRY BELL, 747-0944, or. DAVE WILLIAMS, 466-0652. REALTY, INC. Sales Position for Men Women. Ex cel training financing.
Curtis Man. sell 922-0700. American Republic Ins. SALES REPRESENTATIVE Progressive Northwest Industrial safety distributor has an opening for an experienced professional saleman to take over growing territory. Draw, commission, auto, expenses, corn piete benefits plan.
Sen resume to Box C-35, care of this newspaper. Sales Salesmensaleswomen OLD Brunswick record player 8. re cords, oak ice-box, violin, 624-0213 ORGAN, oak, 1800 vintage, exc. cond. sound.
838-4888. RARE Pullman couch chair 18901 brwn camels hair, 8341-8945 838-4991. SPOKANE ANTIQUE STORE. CompL operation, $17.500 Terms, 928-2478 460 AUCTIONEERS EAGLE AUCTION CO. T.W.
BLAINE 327-3287 MAX REINLAND, AUCTIONEER 926-6191 QUALITY AUCTIONEERING Don Wilson 928-7777 Real Property Top ic Auction Service 35-8766 462 AUCTION SALES KINDERGARTEN For dogs under 6 mos old. 10 weeks for $IO, Register for all classes Jan 7, E5324 Sharp, 838-3420 or 487. 0901. Paperhanging, roof repairS1 Free estimates. 838-1150.
ATTENTION Homeowners builders, Quality finish carpenter needs ten) porary employment. 455-6641. CARPENTERall round older home upgrading. Complete rooms remo delled or new rms added on. 325-0593.
CAR PETLAYER does repairs instal. lotion. 10 yrs. Experience. Guaranteed.
747-2591. CERAMIC tile, formica, linoleum etc. Free estimates. Expert 'installation. Commercial residential.
328-0684. COMPLETE remodeling, additions, rec rooms, kitchens, baths, garages, siding, Licensed Bonded. 924.7215 CONCRETE, Brick, stonework. Steps, chimneys, floors. Free estimates.
456.6941 CUSTOM FRAME DESIGN. No fob too Large or Small. Have Tools.VVill Travel! 922.3192, Eves DRYWALL CONTRACTOR Lee's, 534-7643 DRYWALL, from start to finish acoustic spray, all work gauranteed.534- 9448; 484-3006, ask tor Jim ELECTRICAL 534-3191 928-1409 EXCAVATION. Backhoe Cat work. bsmtssewer-water lines.
sand.gravel-fill Pete Robbins, 328-01315. FAMILY man needs work desperately Has exp in many Various fields, has own transportation. 466-6394. FINISH CARPENTER 489-5979 GENERAL Remodeling, recondition ing, additions, patios, garages. Licensed, bonded.
Free est. 448-1816. HAULING: Trash, Furniture, Wood, etc. Free Estimates. Call 489.5064.
no answer, call 747-1365. LINOLEUM, formica, ceramit tile installed. Quality conscious, low prices. ED, 483-3819. PLUMBING, licensed-bonded-insured.
For all your plumbing needs call: Chuck Golliher Plumbing, 325-3910. REMODELING: faucet, toilet, hot water tanks, home repair, painting. LICENSED, BONDED. 244-9619. REMODELING, framing, all types of carpentry, creative ideas.
Fair prices, bonded, and licensed. 466-1664. ROY'S Handyman. Electrical, plumbing, roofing, remodeling. Reasonable.
535-2263 SUSPENDED CEILING will make your finishing or remodel lob complete. Call for free estimate. 928-4317. TAPING! Smooth walls, texturing hand faze ceilings. Professional work.
Free estimates. 484-3614. WE do all types of concrete work, no fob too big or too small. Free estimates; 534-2890. SSSAVESS.INTERIOR painting and roofing.
Free estimates. Five years experience. 326-3318. 2 LADIES Would like to clean or paint your home. Neat.
Dependable. Reasonable. Call 328-4321 'ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS SPRAYED Drywall Taping 924-0824 AFTER HOURS ENTERPRISES Snowplowing 326-5162 Mess 456-9372 BAC HOE-Dozer, sewer. water, septic tank, install, repair. Vietzke 244-9607.
BOB'S Answering Service) 24-Hr service, msg $20 Mo. 456-8006. BOB'S Repair. hot Val-ter tanks. Ranges, Dryers.
326-0157. CARPENTER By the hour. Can do your job. 928-4077 CARPENTRY, Remodelling Building, Rooting, Siding, Free Est.422-2164 CARPET, professionally installed, Reasonable rates. 12 yrs cap 534-8968 CAT, Backhoe Operator, all work, $25 an hour, 326.2867 BIG SCREEN TV'S FROM s2100.
SEE AT ELECTROMAR I E3611 Sprague SEEKING Employment to start the New Year? Call Snelling Snelling at 484-1000 "We put people in their places." THE MASON CLINIC SEATTLE, WA. Position available for RN Clinician, PA or Women's Health Care Specialist in our section. Be a part of a established, progressive medical center We offer subsidized bus passes day care facilities avail. hie. Please apply: The Mason Clinic, 1100 9th Ave.
Seattle, WA. 981II, 206- 773-6757. 310 LABORERS DOMESTICS SPAY NEUTER DOGS, $25 SHOTS, $5 NO HIDDEN COSTS 747-7206 DINETTE SALE Save on dinette sets now in stock. ELECTRO MART E.3611 SPRAGUE POOL TABLES IN STOCK CONN Organ, auto rythms, show chords, Leslie, study course. Excel.
lent, Make offer. I-659-1247. MOBILE HOME PIANO used, dark wood, plays great. Tallmans 924. 4152.
Top Cash For Pianos CALL TALLMAN'S 924-4152 WE need good used pianos. We pay lop cash money tor pianos. We appraise pianos. Music City 838-8312 AR TLEY flute, new pads, good condi. lion, $400, 238-4746.
JENNINGS PIANO E1719 Francis 487-7655 KIMBALL Console Piano with bench. Good $900. best offer. 928-2008. PEARL Professional drum set.
With stands acces, 5400. 489-1381. After 5. PREMIERE drum set wisymbolt, cases, $1600. 534-2046 evenings.
QUICK CASH FOR YOUR PIANO SQUIRES 326-3355 405 rv, RADIO, STEREO BRUNSWICK ENTERPRISES wishes each eryone Glorious Holiday Greetings. We are now taking consignments for our January 12th Auction 926-7705 Deer Prk Actn Barn wishes you Happy Holidays-We are closed til Jan 15th, 470 FARM TOTEM INVENTORY CLEARANCE SALE Grade Doors-int from $3.95 PHung Or Door 24, .528.78 Pre-Hung Door X80" .531.64 Ext. Hung Ors 2'8 3 O. HCS59.95 Ext. 'Hung Ors 2 8 30.
5C569.95 (Mold drs, mahogany froms19.95 midg shorts.9c,lin ft Pre-formed Cntrtps ES grS3.75 up kitchen Cabinets 50off list Storm doors 455 fromS59.95 Wiser keyed LockS .510.99 Shelving Fbrglass Insulation ft. Fbrglass insulatiOn 6" 24tse ft. 2X4X7 studs. 99C Blow-In Insulation, Ig bag. $6.99 (Buy 10-Use Blower Eree4 Hours) Particle Bd, 48,4, gr PANELING Spokane's Largest Selection of GENUINE WOOD PANELING (Bundle) Decorative Grade Pine, Hemlock Spruce 53.991,d1 cedar Pre-finished paneling (reg 5.49) 64.99 (200 pieces each store) Paneling, Buy 10-Get 1 FREE Tileboard 4X8, reg.
$12.95. from $899 Panel Adhesive, reg. $1.59 790 We Stock Full 14" Genuine Hardwood Paneling (Over 3500 Pieces in Stock To Choose From!) N1126 Monroe E16808 Sprague GENTLEMAN home from hospital, needs live-in housekeeper; board, room wages negotiable. 4874968. LIVE-IN Housekeeper on Columbia River ranch.
After 5PM, I-732-4212. MALE to take care of MS patient, live. in, 327.8240 NEEDED IMMEDIATELY: reliable sitter, 2 Children, 2 12 10 months. NW Spokane.3285113 Af ter WANTED immediately; live-in house. keeper, care for two Small children.
397-3292; I-708-3162 WOMAN for housekeeping, own car, prefer live-in. $85 weekly. 5354456 be tween 4-9PM. 315 SALESPEOPLE BEST Names In the world of audio! Substantial savings on demos of normally non-discounted lines! All with full warranty. Dec 26-JanS.
Stereo-craft, 11223 Sprague, 924-5552. Porta.Pool E8773 Sprague 972-1100 EXHIBITION Space available, Sunkist Superstars Spectacular. Jan 12 13, Fairgrounds. Jim Zorn, Jerry West in 535.0375, 926-9509, 236-0909 GIBSON refrig, brown, $100. Oak office desk wchair.
$150. 10 spd boys bike, new, 875. Colonial whirlpool washer, $100. 747-0859. JUST arrived with another nice load of wood cook stoves.
1 has warming ovens water reservoir, 8285. Must see. 489-4938. KENMORE electric range, gold, continuous clean oven, time set bake, 3 year warranty, S3501. GE washer $175.
924-3868. MOVING Apt. sale. Dinette set, 4 chairs, $30. Console stereo 875.
Velvet couch, loveseal. chair, $200. Coffee tbl, end tbl, $40. 378-5082 or 326-6353 NOSTALGIC anyone? Red satin lounge, $125; eleven, chair ono: man-S150. Real good cond.
Naugahyde hidebed, exc.cond.S150. 238-6983 SPECIAL ORDER FURNITURE SALES Halverson Diversified, Inc. 534-9376 ANTIQUE STYLE POOL TABLE 1 piece slate, solid Mahogany, $1195. 928-4660. ANTIQUE wall clock, rolotiller, heavy duty bench sander, new IX lumber.
535-3946 BRAND new queen sized waterbed, used 1 week, have sales receipt, sacrifice 0160.535-2587 CONCRETE Wall forms wheel barrel, chutes, barricades, radial arm saw, two chain saws, 487-3891 CONSOLE stereo, am-fm, 5I00. Frigidaire Office recorda-call, $100. 466-6853 alter Sprn. CR IB Mattress, 3 drawer dressing table, 4 drawer chest, excellent condition, WO. 466.0889 GE portable dishwasher, exc.
cond. $75 cash. N6020 Mayf ear, 6203. 41.30-6PM evenings. "An Equal Opportunity Employer" )(PER IENCED.qualified dental as for progressive Northside dental lsractice.
Expanded duties preferred. Salary Open, Call 3' to 10 pm prefera. -bly, 484.4923. FASHION MERCK INSTRUCTOR Bachelor's degree, fashion-retail. experience.
Instructor's position, established program, teaching expo t-rience helpful, excellent opportunity. Salary START immediately. 'Call Phil NelSOn 838-3521. ULL time employment for Regis. 'tered Nurses.
Emergency Room Su. --pervisor, Operating Room Nurses, several other full-time positions. Medical, dental, life and disability in. nice area, good working EEO employer. Contact Pal McDonnell Personnel Di.
rector or Luella spain Director of Nursing Services Grays Harbor Corn munity Hospital, 915 Anderson Drive, Aberdeen, WA 98520. (206) 532-8330. FULL-TIME RN needed Mon thru Fri 3-11. 328-6030. Spokane Convalescent Center.
W618 Nora 8NTELLIGENT dependable, male Home care for 23 yr. Qua. driplegic. 8-4PM. 828 a day.
487-5541. KOLLER BRYAN PERSONNEL 6244950 kARGE Eastern Washington Credit Linion Is seeking assistant manager. Business degree with finance empha. is; 3 to yrs experience, Send re. Asume salary expected to Manager, 5264, Spokane WA.
99205. LEGAL assistant, legal background required. Liaison with pliance, anon, neys. Should be well organized with to work independently. Salary DOE.
Send resume to Box C-15 care this newspaper. LICENSED PT ASSISTANT Full time position available for 't PTA, heavy facility emphasize on multi-disciplinary rehab. Experience or interest welderly desireable. E0E. Inquire at Southcrest Cony.
Center, 4564300. TAKE OVER ESTABLISHED PULLMAN LEWISTON CLARKSTON SALES TERRITORY Repeat Business Fortune 500, multi-divisiOn leader. Protected Area Draw plus high commission Expenses allowance Protit.sharing Group Insurance High repeat sales Advancement to management Thorough, on-going training program. 'Recession-proofnon-seasonal business Quality line of fasteners, mainte. pence chemicals, auto and truck parts and specialty items.
No overnite travel. FOR COMPLETE DETAILS, CALL WILL ARNOLD (208) 746-3311 (COLLECT ACCEPTED) Wed, Thurs. If unable to call, write to: Will Arnold P.O. Box 12814 Salem, OR 91309 Curtis IndustrieS A Congoleum Company An Equal Opportunity Employer ADMINISTRATOR Family Person to Train for Top Post. tion in a well established National In.
surance Co. Success in Sales, Ac. counting or Technical preferred, though not required. Must be looking for Career Lifetime Security rather than a lob. The right individual will receive excellent income will be thoroghly trained.
Wcwk interesting challenging. For confidential inter. Contact Mr. Morgan 326-4712. AN OHIO OIL CO.
offers PLENTY OF MONEY plus cash bonuses, fringe benefits to mature individual in Spokane area. Regardless of experience, write MC. Read American Lip bricanis box 696, Dayton, Ohio 4540). DOG OBEDIENCE CLASSES Lilac City Dog Training Club E1635 Francis offers obedience classes, all breeds or mixed breeds Welcome. Registration, Jan.
7, at 7 pm. $20 for 10 wks. 448.9401 978-9321. SPOKANE DOG TRAINING CLUB:" Obedience Classes, 10 Wks, $20. All breeds welcomed.
Experience, quail. fled instruction. Registration Jan 7th, 7PM, E2006 Sprague. 483-8684, 926. 2966, Beagle mixes, Springer mixes, Poo- dies, Blue Heeler, SI Bernard, Irish Setters, Cock-a-poos, Dobies; German Shepherd mixes, German Shepherds.
Many Cats Kittens. SPOKANE HUMANE SOCIETY 489-7080 OPEN SUNDAYS AKC BOKERS NM. SEED 534-0694 E2422 Sprague AK Reg. Female Afghan, wPedi. gree, 2 yrs.
old, Red with black mask. Housebroken, very affectionate. $100. 509-758-8770. Clarkston, We.
LOOK what's for sale! Great 'Dane pups. Come get your choice early. I Purebred, color fawn, good family I dogs. Ready by Jan 2. 1-422-0274 PARAKEETS $9.98 JOHN'S PET SHOP, N6813 Division, 4872533.
OPEN SUNDAYS. SACRIFICE, registered Doberman puppies, champion background, ex. collect temperament, only 2 left, in. quire at 487-6980. 466-7835.
AKC BASSETT pupates, 4437-6964, N.7407 Yale AK GREAT Dane pups, black withwhite boots, 14 weeks, 550-885. Terms. 238-6208 Alfkr Cs old emOal 'thy, Miechildren. 1' 11. '38-2124 BEAUTIFUL AK Great Dane Puppies, 5 mo.
Black male, Merle female. 926-4231, 489-0843. BEAUTIFUL AKC German Shepherd pups, champion bloodlines, great dm. position, stud available also, 489-6914. DINGO purebred puppies, 3 shots, wormed.
From working par. ents. $50. 1-235-5415 GERMAN Shepherd Husky Pups. Sil.
verBik. Parents good Watchdogs. $35ea. 747-1773 GOLDEN Retriever, Needs room to roam. Male, 6 Mo.
old. Pay for ad. 226-9922. PEKINGESE AK Registered, 924-8195 NEW MAChiNERY Calkins Sweep Plows; Cultivator weeders-all sizes Cougar ill, 270 684 INC Tractor USED EQUIPMENT 5020 JOHN DEERE 1200 Traction King 4 BEARCAT, 1973 Model AC440 Tractor COUGAR I with Leon Dozer TOI4A INC Tractor 2-7100 John Deere Combines 105 John Deere Combines 403 IHC, two-way 3- BWF John Deere Disks, 13 ft. 3- 500 JO whitch, straight boot 2- 16 Skew Treaders, 3 yrs.
old 2 12 ft. C.O. Calkins Weeders 4-14 ft. Calkins stiff hitch 3- 150 IHC Drills 10X14- Packers 4- John Deere Drills, Hyd, Drill move 16" split packers ODESSA TRADING CO. ODESSA, WASH.
509) 982-1792 HAPPY NEW YEAR And a prosperous New Decade to all our customers. ADAMS TRACTOR' CD E1602 Trent 535-1708 Calkins 48,60, 72' Free-float rod weeders, New-Used, close-out prices. SMITH TRUCK TRACTOR (509) 547-8835 Pasco, WA D598.11976, equipped for farming. KAMMERZELL'S TRACTOR Colfax, WA. (509) 397-4322 IRRIGATION pipe: 1200' 6" main line With valves, 1200' 4" main line with valves, Ghel 135 grinder-mixer, 509- 657-3419, 509-657-3585 USED SCALES from 22' to 60, 15-50 ton, gauranteed good condition, for information call toll free 1-800-572-9380 from outside Washington 509-765-7754 D-613 TURBO HYD.
WILLSON TRACTOR COLFAX, 99111, Ford 3000 Deisel 40hp witront motor $6795 CDA Tractor, CDA, 667.7419 FOR FARM MACHINERY SEE: ODESSA GRANGE SUPPLY ODESSA, WASH. 509) 982-2693 GLEANER combines, GH CH, air cabs, excellent condition, call War. den, 1-349-2761 Gables: 12, good shape DIAMOND DISTRIBUTING 15091397-2412 MF35 Diesel tractor, 3., live power, new rubber, exc. unit. Delivered Spokane area, $3750.
1-509-782-2387 eves. WATCH FOR OPENING OF "INDUSTRIAL SURPLUS" Distressed a. Overstocked Inventory THEIR LOSS YOUR GAIN SPOKANE PLYWOOD SURPLUS SOc OR LESS ON THE DOLLAR PLYWOOD (ALL TYPES) PLUMBING SUPPLIES PAINT ROOFING and other items too numerous to mention OPENING JANUARY )980 2 LOCATIONS 2 SERVE AIRWAY HEIGHTS 1719 DIVISION 535-1037 "Bottom Crossover $160, Formula 4 Tone-Arm S75, ACC Basic tube Pre-amp $200, Short wave recvr $35, SanSui 4 ch syn. $30. Consider tuner trade.
922-0939 MUST sell, RCA 23" color tv, beautiful dark walnut console, 2 yr picture tube warranty, can deliver, $I89 or offer, 466-2621 PIONEER SX-I050 stereo receiver, 120 watt RMS, S500 or reasonable offer. Also Teac A-I00 cassette deck widol by system S115. 489-5062 after 4pm STEREO System. 2 Pioneer CS71A speakers, Kenwood KR-5200 reciever, Kellwood P-2022A turntable. All ec, cel cond.
Best Offer. 534-2509. WALNUT Console, Pansonic Quad stereo, FM (AM. mono-discrete, 4., speakers. Real nice.
Only $250. New $850. 328-5010. 8X 10" BW fused, $100, 1 small stereo turntable speakers $100. W1804 Boone 02, Weekdays between 5-7, anytime weekends.
AK Al reel-to-reel reverse, record playback, sound on' sound, 54751best Offer. Weekdays after 6pm, 928-2909 COLOR TV, Remote Control. $500 or Offer, MCS 33Watt Receiver Spkrs. $450 or Offer, 922-4066 TRADE TEAC A-2300SD tape deck sv Dolby remote control for a cassette deck speakers. 325.4608.
RECEIVER-JVC JR-581H $220. Turnt. able-JVC L.All $110. 455-8758 after 8 SPK RS, $300. sell $200.
120 watt Pioneer amp, Phillips trotbi, 838-8945838-4991. STEREO receiver, 48 watts, tour speakers, $200. 624-6124 WANT to buy non-working color TV'S, 4117-9898. RCA color IV, clood cond, $85, 487-9898. 410 FARMERS' MARKET A TOUCH OF CLASS SOLID OPPORTUNITY with long-es.
tablished reputable Spokane firm. An exciting business for the indivudu al who loves the and enioys the Out. of-doors, is looking for a real chat. lenge. You receive a success proven framing program A excellent bone fits with definite potential for man.
agement. Back to basics: Sales cope rience helpful. Integrity positive at Mode more important; tow travel, high income, Call Timberland Re sources, Inc. 830-8294. ATTENTION PARENTS Excellent P-I earnings educations at products.
Send name, address phone number to Ron Coletti, P.O Box 5297, Spokane Wei. 99205 CAN YOU HANDLE A SUPERIOR SALES POSITION? STEEL SHEETING CHIMNEY SWIFT: Cleaning, repair, 41.. wood stove installation. 535-8748. CHRISTIAN Ladies desire Housecleaning.
467-0123 or 326-2849. CLEANING-homes and offices, 2 worn en, 838-2420, 466-8913. DRYWALL nailingl taping, accousti cal spray, 10 yrs exp in area, 328-8148. DRYWALL nailing, taping, acoustical spraying. Call 328-4834 or 489-3768 EXPERT Carpet Installation, Bonded, Licensed, Insured, 924-6825 FINISH CARPENTRY.
16 years working 'local bldrs 624-5797. HAULING, furniture, yard work, odd jobs. 535-8254. Jerry. HAULING, trash, turn, appliances.
snow removal, odd jobs. 327.3963 HOUSE CLEANING by 2 Christiar women. 838-2420, 466-8913 after 5. INVESTIGATIONS Done. All Types Confidential.
Ca11928-4621 MASONRY stove backs, fireplaces, stone, brick, block, free est, 276-5642. MASONRY. Fplcs, stone, block, brick, cultured stone. Free est. 226-0436.
OPENER Installation, garage door re pair, eves, 926-6336. Ext, lowest rates ir town. Lic bonded, 928.1823, PRIVATE COLOR DEVELOPING PHOTOGRAPHY WORK. 534-9235 QUALITY REMODELING AT A FAIR PRICE 747.9241 ROOFING, all types, free estimates, J.U. Contracting, 483-4254.
535.4911. ROOFING, 487-3541 GOLD naugahyde hide-a-bed, $75. Chrome tble, chest of drawers, $tO ea. cuts. tbls, $7.50.
238-4733. GREAT Books of the Western World. 54 Volumes. Still in cartons. Estate.
747-3482. Vacuums-inventory clearance-drastic reductions. All makes models. New- Inventory Sale-Save on all GE crowaves Televisions. 88.0 Appliance, N3402 Crest line, 487-5218.
KING size mattresses, $100. 2x4 turn'. ture, couch, coffee fable tables, 100. 928.9627. LIQUOR STORE MANAGER DELTA RIB 584 GALVANIZED764 LINEAL FT.
COLORED NOW MANUFACTURING WILL CUT TO EXACT LENGTH ONE DAY SERVICE McDONALD BLDG SALES 4 MI NORTH ON NEWPORT HWY MEAD 466-3651 OPEN TILL 'NOON SAT. PANELING SALE 30 OFF All paneling in stock. 22 Quality Styles. PLYWOOD SPECIALS Vz" COX Shop S8.99ea 4it" CDX shop S5.99ea STUD SPECIALS 20408 const studs SI.39ea 21(4 economy studs 59c ea 2x3 economy studs CUSTOM BUILDING SUPPLY 1-90 Med-Lake Exit 272 244-5561 Superior because the product is Career education much needed in today's job market. Superior because income poten.
hat is excellent: moderate tiase; high Incentive. Superior because you haveopportuhales for rapid promotion. Superior because there's Ibis of diversity in the position from high school public relations presentations to in-home interviews. Superior because we select superior sales representatives can you handle that? WANTED Experienced salespersons. Career opportunity for salesperson with proven track record.
BA preferred, experienced, background In business 'real estate. Salary range 520-530k. Intv 12-4. 378-9992. We are seeking hard workers who desire to be successful in Real Estate.
Call Pat O'Neill Realtor 326.9640. $1080 PER MONTH To qualified applicants. Must be neat in appearance able to start mediately. Sales experience not necessary. No strikes or layoffs.
No travel. Rapid advancement. This is permanent employment. Career minded. For personal Interview call Wed 9-12.
326-1102. Appliance Sales. 330 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES PERSONNEL RESOURCES N25 Mullen Rd 9213-8722 Immediate openings in the Tri-eitles, Ellensburg, and Pullman with the Li. quor Control Board. Requires high graduation or GED and two 'years retail sales experience within the last 6 years in lead or supervisory capacity.
Experience may substitute year for year for year for education. eSalary S1168 to $1495 plus medical dental. Contact: Washington State Department of Personnel. West 1709 .3 Droadway, Spokane, WA 99201, 45e 194. PINK POODLE GROOMING FARM LOT GARDEN PET N4446 Division 483-6631 READY FOR THE NEW YEAR; love.
able AK Lhasa Apso puppies. 1:208. 773-5175 after 3pm or wkends. REG. German Shepherd pups, bred for 3 B's, on top German import U.S.
Bloodlines, $75 Up. 238-6208 2 AKC Brittany males--pick of litter, Excellent hunt, pet show prospects. Champion lines, 3-mot. 535-2864 days AHMERS Kennels Boarding Grooming. Loon Lake, 233-2478.
AKC COCKER pups, Buff, 926-4852 evenings GREAT CEDAR BUYS! Dry land Potatoes $235-50u sack Winter Onions 51.95-50n bag California Nava oranges Cook Eat Apples S315Box WE ACCEPT FOODSTAMPS FARMERS MARKET GARDEN E1420 Sprague 534-2651 Beef, USDA Choice: 1129 lb. Half Hogs: 83e lb, Cut Free Hindquarter beef, $1.29 lb, Cut Free MEATS 244-2857 TRACTION SAND S1.25 PER BAG CRUSHED ROCK Cunningham Sand Gravel-484-3900 New location.N8510 Crestline GOOD Freezer beef, 81.25 Lb; Half hog, cut wrapped. LENS MEATS, N1521 Stone, 535-1331 FRESH fruits vegetables. Van Hees Orchards, 14025 12th, 926-3700 NATURAL GRAIN FED BEEF-PORK Meat Process 924-9821 Call Daniel C. Day, Inman Business University, Spokane, We.
(09) OBS' ANTED ill CAREER NIGHT JANUARY 23 SMALL Repairs, 624-6983, ask for Bud. SNOWPLOWING! Rates by the lobtdis. twice. Minimum $20. Refs.
922-1483. roporginloewairneg.S10a hnrd iMa ndlin088S4C SNOW removal, driveways, sidewalks, etc. Dependable, Jerry, 535-8254. SNOW REMOVAL.Excavation-land, Devel. Higgins Const.
Inc. 489-9551 SqPuRat IyEwDk, CReasonable ei in a PpM, 191-14h TAPING, Accoustical ceilings. Textur no Quality work. Free est. 328-9165 Teacher painter would like small tote.
nor lobs. 448-8473. Tractor work $25 hr loader box scrapper dump Landsite Dev 448-1008 Valley Maintenance, quality remodel. ing-alterations. Free Est.
534-0458. WALLPAPERING, interior painting. Quality work-free estimate. 448-9784 -equal opportunity employer mif tiN Relief pm. 2-3 daysweek.
Citizen Nursin9 Home. 325-3376. 4 LUMBER SALES MNGER Medium-sized western Oregon mill; -must be aggressive had cope. arience with Douglas fir pone. Send resume wisalary history references to Box C26 co this paper MANAGEMENT trainee for local re.
tail commercial paint business. iiPrefer minimum 2 yrs exp. in paint abusiness. Salary compensurate wi Good Co. benefits.
Send resume to Box C-17 cio this paper. multi-doctor group. expo. in medical field In superviso. role required.
Responsible for supervision of 15 plus 'employees, all matters related to payable receivable, and corporate business. Send resume to Box A43 care of this paper. MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST! ASCP or eligible, 55 bed hospital. Days with Evening Weekend Call. Contact: Delores Adams, Good Shepherd hospital, 665W Orchard Ave.
Hermiston, Ore. 97838, 503-5616483 Beautiful interiorexterior 4" and 6" tongue groove paneling, (shop); better beveled cedar siding, at $390 NI; and 8" at 5410M. Binarch Lumber Mill, Priest Lake, ID, 208-443-2541 days; eves. -UGH quality cedar bevel sidings int.ext. cedar panelling at reasonable prices! SPOKANE CEDAR PROD SIIOSHERIDAN 456-8236 1 Pik.
S. of Sprague on Sheridan. TUBS SHOWERS 1 plecoliberglass construction, some grades available, free estimates on any custom work, Unique Fiberglass, W6324 Sellice Way, Post Falls, ID, 208- 667-5421. See Us For Your Replacement Parts TRACTOR Co. (509)397-4322 YANMAR DIESELS 4 WO Tractors Power Plants VAGABOND E7217 Sprague 9284289 1978 KUBOTA B6000 tractor, backhoe, front loader, back blade, 3 point, diesel, 4 wheel drive, 85900, 238-4746.
BOBCAT Loader, new motor, 5' Bucket, $2500. 328-3536 838-4046. BOUNDARY TRACTOR CO. BONNERS (208)2675571 WIAC cab Hyds -Oil clutch: Cash Tekoa, 1-784-2501 EMPIRE MACHINERY CO. Rt.
14 Sunset Hwy 838-2996 FRONTIER MACHINERY CO. WALLA WALLA, WA. (509)525-2010 HAPPY NEW YEAR E4323 Trent RADCO EQUIP. 535-2496 IH 151 2-way, 18 Hdr, Cheney reel Walter Impl. Odessa 1-509-982-2644 JD 5020 Tractor, CabDuall Loader Sprague sprague, 1-257-2223 30800Series 30, 40, 50' Weeders BE.K.
Lacrosse, 1-549-3557 MF 11300, 2-WD, Dsl, cab, PTO Helbiing Bros. Moscow (208)882-7501 PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, HARROWS Arrow Machinery, Colfax, 1-397-4377 SPECIAL on 915 LL COMBINES Loomis Tractor, Lied, 509-677-3449 USED Calkins; IHC CD Weeders Lind Grange, Lind, 509-677-3471 Used Grain Drills metroe, JD 1HC Jones 1-397-4371 1969 OH, Diesel, air cab, chopper, 18' 1-657-3366 Endicott 2- JD 7700 COMBINES Odessa Trading, Odessa, 1-982-2792 7U 04, no blade, runs real good. $3995. 791-6311. '76 '73 OH 821,875 McSWEENEY's Colfax, 397-4391 25 lb.
family meat Only S50.44 Crown Foods 1407 NW. Blvd 326.1111 412 VACUUM CLEANERS 352 PERMANENT JOBSPOSITIONS EMPLOYERS: We have applicants in all fields of employemnt if you have needs call Jobs Co 928-3151. EXPERIENCED Truck Driver, combination license, safe driving awards. Needs employment, 924-2490 EXP. Bookkeeper, prefer small businesses.
Ind Payroll Taxes. 483-2515 HOUSECLEANING exc. local ref. 489. AKC Collie puppies, fantastic- tem.
perament, 4 males. 924-2538. AKC GREAT Danes $50 ea. or will trade for 276-5342 tor dlrc, AKC REG ALASKAN Malemute Pups! $100 ea. 1-509-765-9529.
AKC registered German shepherd pups, $75 or trade, 442-3711. AKC STANDARD Poodle pup, male, cream color, paper trained, 466-6147. AKC Standard Poodle pups, excellent temperament quality, shots 838-2400 CUTE Cuddly, Terri-Poo's, $12. Cocka-Poo's $20. 928-8229 WINDOWS, cleaning, painting, haul.
mg, yard home services. 325-0412. Like new beautiful dining room table with 6 hardwood chairs, dark pine color. S425. 922-1985.
MATCHING WasherDryer. Needs work, $125, Franklin Stove 32" $225. VW Studded Snows, $35. 226-3627' MOVING Queen size Sofa Sleeper, Kitchen table chairs, all less than 2 yrs. old.
Make otter. 92130515. NEW Model Pinball machine, excel- lent condition, for fun or profit, cost 8950, sacifice for $525 or Offer. 455-9650 OVER 400 used tires and wheels $7.50 ugpinechlumnoduatv. rpscount Bro 487-7833 PORTABLE ACDC Arc welder; Heliearcweider, Call after 3 daily 535- 587.
REFERS freezer ranges, wiguar urn CRESTL1NE FLAN APPL.S. N6509 Crestline 487-2663. Snow Throwers 'Home SUPPLY W2427 Boone 326-1021 STOVE, wself-cleaning -oven; gas clothes dryer, dishwasher, carpeting, draperies rods, hairdryer, 12" 220 volt "Sears Best" table saw, $400. upright $150. Students desk, $60.
534.7826. ANTIQUE Round Oak Table, 5 chairs, Best otter. Misc. items 4133-3770. APPLIANCE MART, N4402 Wall, Clearance on all appliances.
ATTENTION small business. All office equipt, full butcher shop. 2384733. BEAUTIFUL DARK brown mink stole, like new, size 12-14. 5400.
325.9291. Class I trailer hitches. $9.95 each or $29.95 installed. Scotty's $35.1127. COLOR TV, good condition, $85.
466- 2621 DIAMOND wedding ring. set. Tiffany, white gold. $60. 926-4934.
DINING rm set, 6 chrs, hutch. Good shape. Must sell. $275. 838-4990.
FAMILY Fitness Center, lifetime membership, must sell. 5356140. GASOLINE for sale, any quanity, 238- 6305 GE yellow range. excellent condition, $110, 483-6515 anytime GOLDEN Family Fitness Center membership, LIKE new sofa set, dresser, king sin; bed, cocktail table. 466-2172.
Mens Italian top coat, brand -new, 49- 42. StOt 747.0520. MOVING sale: Appliances Everything must go, W2706 Dean. 325-3005. MUST sell brand new waterbed, $750 value.
$600, best offer. Kent, 299-3159. MOST sell household furniture. Couch, chair, much other misc. 3289729.
New roll top desk, solid hardwood, Maple color. 5215.922-1985. NEW 3X3 bronze sliders Torminos, 534.0537. Tupper Realtors invite you to an evening of information on the oppor. tunities available in Real Estate.
Learn about: How to start State Exam Costs Available training Shopping for the right CO No Obligation, No Hard Sell JUST FACTS! Red Lion Motor Inn January 23rd 7:30 PM Call Dani for reservations: 928-1991 You'll do our homework before we do yours TUPPER REALTORS INC. E17929 Sprague 9213-1991 Career Opportunity with Mutual of Omaha. 2 year training program, auto home owners. Call 32 ir 4183 for appoint. E.0,E., M-F.
CAREER Person with grocery sales experience for food broker. Excellent salary fringes. Send resume to Box C-I4 in care of this newspaper EQUIPMENT SALES Tremendous opportunity for right person. Largest IHC dealer in NW. Excellent benefits.
Please send resume to Sales Manager, PO Sox 98863, Seattle, WA 98188, LADY experienced in caring for elderly sick, available days evenings. Also experienced in Child care. Valley area. 928-3731. RELIABLE Lady wants day.
work for elderly, References. 4E9-4192. ALL Odd Jobs Done. Professional aaar.15-rmaagaaAiagiadalkamOslama 3 60 CHILD CARE NOW HIRING 355 SERVICES-COMMERCIAL, HOME, MISC. CALL SfARK'S 838-2755 We Sell Repair All Makes NEW USED VACUUM CLEANERS Pick-up Delivery.
Free Loaners W9I3RIVERSIDE 8382755 415 SEWING MACHINES New Free-arm sewing machine auto. buttonhole, etc. Sewing lessons, free service for 5 years, only 0229.1erms OAC, credit cards. Trades welcome. Boyd Walker Sewing Mac hi ne 1926 Sprague, 535-1501.
MOBILE ''IN HOME" SEWING MACHINE tune-up. Clean, oil adjust, S9.95. The Sewing Machine Doctor, call anytime. 838-3775 SALE On BERNINA sewing machines $325 Trade-ins accepted. Spokane Sewing Machine, 328-6111 N.3616 Division.
SINGER with long bobbin, elec, In wooden carrying case. Good cond. Evos wk-ends, 328-5578. 416 OFFICE EQUIPMENT VALLEY, Millwood area, room for I child. Infant or toddler, reliable experienced.
-Will also sit evenings weekends. Ask for Florence. 926-9160. LOVING Care, fun activities, near Trent Elementary on Pines, 928-7155 367 DRESSMAKING. TAILORING ALLBERY DRILLING DACHSHUNDS, 2 8 wk.
Cali at-ter 4 p.m. 208-667-4167. DOBERMAN pups, reg. Tails docked. Dew claws removed.
926-4243. HIMALAYAN kitten, male bluepoint, 7 mos. bid, 550 Registered. 924-8195 MALAMUTE Mixed Bay, 8 mo. Per.
fect family dog. S20. 323-9207. NEWFOUNDLAND-mixed puppies, 6 wks. 2 males only.
525 ea. 922-2479. NORWEGIAN Elkhound puppies, AKC registered, 9244680. RED Dobs, Males $100., Females S75. 747-1790 SAMOYED, AK white teddy bears, champion bloodline.
326-5316. SPAYED Border Collie Mix Youpo, family do 9 desperate, $20. 325-9207 WEIMARANERS males. 9-wks old, $25-, $45 without papers. 937-2341 valley.
2 SMALL Part Pointers Free to Good Home, 487-4489 FREE Beagle Mix Pup, Fem. 244-9270 482 RABBITS 911-D6 n228713- Angle Dozer Pullman Tractor, Pullman, 1-332-2549 From Spokane to Canada All work fully guaranteed 472 MACHINER Y- INDUSTRIAL DressmakingAhotalions-Buttonholes Spokane Sewing Mach. 3284111 N.3616 DiViSihh DRILL NOW-S9 FT. CALL 328-3889 Regional Public Safety Officer (BASIC) North Slope Borough Department of Public Safety is accepting applica. ions for the positions of Public Safety Otticrtr.Basic.
New-Progressive regional multiple-disciplinary department. Minimum high school educe. Six months experience in a public safety related field, Police tire 'Services-Emergency Medical Ser. 'vices. Physical exam and oral exam required.
annual plus paid benefits, overtime compensation and paid court time. May involve eaten. sive travel throughout North Slope. College background can be substitut. ed for experience.
Send request for application to: Department of Public Safety P.O. Box 69 Barrow, Alaska 99723 Attn: Julie Or call, this number: (907)852-2611. Ext. 733 Resumes not accepted. EVERY DAY ISA CHALLENGE ioi El CEDAR SHAKES LUMBER Certified No 1.
hand-split, med heavys. Coverage Guar 1-208-448- 1719, 1-208-448-2149. CEDAR shakes shingles. Over 1500 sq. in stock.
N7716 Market. See before you buy, Rooftop delivery installation arranged. 489-4150. KITCHEN CABINETS Plbfixtures, cabinets, paneling. New used bldg mtrls, glass, timber BROWN BUILDING E630.3rd.
Limited Special White N.T.R. Skirting Material Colors available 5351741 Joe-Ben after PACKAGE metal bidg, 30rx40'00', all materials to erect, $2486, "Winter Paetfic Contractors, 534- 4304. FOB Spokane RED CEDAR SHAKES: direct from the mill, hand split tapersawn. Delivery avail. Black Mntn Cedar Products, Bonners Ferry ID.
RED CEDARSHAKES CERItrIED, 546 'sq. Delivered. OR 667-9732 Coeur d'Alene BIRCH doors with polished brass hinges, 8 solid, 44" wide, 13 h011ow, 36" wide, 481.3891 Dry Studs, ea 254, 45c, 65t lX4X8 shop plywood OS.95 Discount Lbr 487-2731 Pre-cut Cedar Fencing STOKES LUMBER E7103 Trent 924-8661 SALE OR TRADE: new steel Trade for 3,4 or 1-TN pickup. new building. 208-773-4376.
SOLAR hot water heaters a're now available at Handy Andy's, E3002 MisSion. 535-8843. Spiral Staircase $310 52006 Geiger Blvd. SPOKANE KITCHENS E7403 SPRAGUE, 924-5454 Over 1200 cabinets In K. C.
KANE WELL DRILLING SALE-SALE-SALE JANUARY 3-5 THANKS FOR YOUR PATRONAGE WE HOPE 1980 Is GOOD FOR 380 SCHOOLS COLLEGES 6-16 inch drilting Rotary Cable Rios GOULD Pump Systems Colville-684-6567 Spokane-6244770 and each day is different with an exciting career in Real Estate. Let the most progressive company in Spokane show you the FORMULA FOR SUCCESS. At Tupper: Our pre-licensing school gets you started Our comprehensive sales training keeps you gono. Cal, Marco J. Begovich today for a personal interview 9284991 TUPPER INC, REALTORS 12929 Sprague 928-1991 Used office furniture.
Wooden metal desks of various types and sizes, chairs, filing scabinets, typewriters, adding machines and other miscellaneous equipment. Northside R.V. Center, Inc. North 8019 Division 4870436 or 928-9679 LARGE bred Does. silo ea.
2 California Bucks $3. ea. Cash only. No checks. 926-2126 Roaster rabbits and stewers on order.
Good quality. 233.2485, 4 83 HORSES YOU! ELECTRICAL TELEVISION RADIO BROADCASTING TRAIN WITH THE PROFESSIONALS CALL NOW 326-6229 RON BAILIE SCHOOL OF BROADCAST IN THE FLOUR MILL TAKE Your First Truck Driving Lev, son For Only SIO. You Will Actually Drive a Big Rig. See it You Have What II Takes. Call For An Appointment 767-5006.
WESTERN TRUCK DRIVER TRAINING WESTERN Truckdriver Training. nancing avail. PO Box 19162, Geiger Field, Spokane, WA 99219; 741-5006. KINMAN BUISNESS UNIV Next classe- Jan, 14 call 838 3521 383 BARBER SCHOOLS EXECUTIVE SALES WIRING ONE OUTLET OR A WHOLE HOUSE RESIDENTIAL APARTMENTS OR COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS FREE ESTIMATES GLADLY LICENSED AND BONDED. W1904-5t 456.8772 838-1231 HELP SERVICES General contractor-kitchen, bath and bunt.
electrical, concrete and masonry work, roofing, drywall, painting, etc. (Lics, bdn. Ins.) CALL 483-HELP HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM EVERYONE AT ROWAND MACHINERY COMPANY 20 CHAIRS We have 20 good used swivel, arm off. ice chairs. From S37.
Three Way Furniture. N5701 Market Used Office Furniture, Buy Sell. Have desks; chairs, files. 1916 Sherman Ave. 1208464-2535.
NCR Posting Machine Set up tor Job Cost, AR, OOP, Payroll General ledger wsupplies. Call SAXON PPCI Copier, take little equity assume lease gymts. 535-7473 between 5 7 pm. BURROUGHS L5000 with feed attach. merit, $4950.
Sandy 509-663-8595 LIGHTED Sign 2X4 $25, 4X8 $50. Desk 515 Other Misc. 535 6159 Career opportunity for experienced salesperson with proven track record Established clients, no overnight travel. High commissions. Barter as.
sociation. 456-6912 tor interview. NOW HIRING Regional Public Safety Officer (Senior) Applications are now being accepted. Must be certifted by Alaska Police Standards 'Council or respective state. Must bave either Fire Services or Emergency Medical Services experience.
and oral exam required. Salary: annual, plus paid benefits, overtime compensation and paid court time. Involves extensive travel throughout the North Slope. Send request for applications to: Department Of Public Safety P.O. Box 69 Barrow, Alaska 99723 ATTN Julie Or call this number (907)652-261i, Ext 233 COEUR D'ALENE LVSTK.
AUCTION NEXT HORSE TACK SALE SATURDAY, JAN. 12 208) 664-6317 or 667-5596 HORSES boarded, 10 box stalls paddocks available, 16 acres to ride in, tack room, 24 hr.day watchman, reasonable, 534-9241. REGISTERED Appaloosa stalliOn, beautiful markings, nice disposition, 3-yr old, E10012 28th, Sp. 924- 7544, terms, 53000. QUALIFIED for the World in 79 Appaloosa yearling gelding; 2 weanling colts-all colored, 276-5854 TRAILERS: HUNTERS SPECIALS.
Used 1,2,4 horse; toe open top stock. WANTED to rent 2 or 3-BDRM house with acreage, barn good fences, for 6-10 horses. Valley preferred. 928-8318. 2-GELDING Percheron draft horses: Ayes 5 9, broke.
Being used her logging.205-261-7284. PERSIAN rug, $3500. Wicker loveseat, coffee table, screen, s225. 928-8776. POOL Table, 3 piece slate, standard size.
freezer, range, washer, dryer, OW. All nice cond. 375.5783. SACRIFICE new Ward's best vacuum only SMALL school desks, $40 each, 326- 4183. SOFA, excellent blue small freezer, 326-9560 TWO pickup toolboxes, half price, $125.
Brown building materials, 624-4646. UTILITY Trailer, 4x7, sturdy 2 wheeler, $700 or best offer 535-5378, 255-6563 VINYL REPAIR $35-3780 PORN, CARS, BOATS, 8-10am '6-10pm WASHER GOOD COND $300, OR MAKE OFFER 926-4934 19" COLORED portable TV, REAL NICE COLOR IS PIC'S-l-IRE 534-25 9 DRYWALL MOLER BARBER COLLEGE State Approved for Veterans W208 Spradue phone 624-0723 396 MUSICAL INSTRUCTION 426 STOVESFIREPLACE ZIEGLER BUILDING UR N4220 Market 489-8160 El 1002 Sprague 922-1800 'EDAR shakes Certisplit n1 24" HSRS S53 delivered. 208413-4313, 208-7732861 CRAWFORD DOOR SALES E1902Spra9ue 924-3032 FENCE MATERIALS Allied Industries 535-0611 iEW odd-sized, wood steel doors RUSCO 535-2061 HIGH COMMISSIONS! Licensed realtor, good Valley location, opportunitieS for personal investment. Call Paul eves a38-8186 or JUSTICE ASSOCIATES 922.4555 HOME for the Holidays SELL AVON Plexable hours lets you spend More time with your larrioly Call-321-5995 SPOK ANE PASCO 838-5252 S47-8813 JOHN DEERE 440 Crawler, recent un der, Deermalic 9 winch, angle blade brush blade combination; canopy Excellent machine Cat 70 grader, side shift, hew re. cans 14,00 ruboer, scarifier Cat 99E grader, side shift.
SCarlfier, good rubber MANUS MACHINERY SALES 922.2392 928-6668 928-4276 New remodels, sheet rocking, taping, accoustical spraying texturing, experienced in all phases of drywall. Free estimates. 922-0790. PAPERHANGING Painting. Guaranteed quality work licensed, bonded, insured 624-5aS7 GINIAR LESSONS, all styles.
Jim Roberts 4554131 Reasonable WOOD Stove buy Direct from Mtg. Bank Cards Welcome. 321-4170. WOOD Stoves Sales or Installion Lic Eves. Wkods.
KEYBOARD LEARNING CENTER, pl. anoorgan, all ages. 924-4152. esumes not accepted. I 1 o.e0.0,m4d"Adbes44,644,AwONê..